Chapter 6 - The stockade would have been better

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"Sir." A quiet knock and an uncomfortable cough came, alerting (Y/n) that someone had entered the office.

"Yes Lieutenant, what is it?" (Y/n) almost groaned, as the tall man hesitantly moved into the room.

"Well, sir, we are having a little bit of a problem, its Private Novak, you might want to come outside." Smith said apologetically, watching as the Captain reluctantly rose from the seat, and picked up the file of the new man that was obviously going to add to her ever growing number of problems.

As (Y/n) made her way outside she was confronted by a mass of men, each looking exactly the same, each giving her a cocky smile. With an even heavier sigh than before, (Y/n) opened the file in her hand, scanning the information on the number of men before her.

"Private Michael Novak; ability, self-duplication. Well no shit, Sherlock." (Y/n) called out, as she leaned against the upright of the door, staring at the throng of duplicates, as she continued to flick through the paperwork.

"It's a shame, you have quite a good record up until this point, how unfortunate that all of that is going to change. Lieutenant Smith, I want Novak brought up on a charge of insubordination, I want him taken into custody by the MPs until such time as the camp commander returns to the base." (Y/n) ordered, as Smith stared between her and the mass of men.

"Er....... I would sir, but I'm not quite sure which one is actually Novak." Smith said apologetically, as he watched a rather disgruntled looking Captain make his way over to one of the men, grabbing hold of him by the ear, and then smiling as all the others disappeared.

"If you look close enough Lieutenant, there is always a slight, almost undetectable difference between the originally and the copies. Once you see that difference than you can find the real man. Now get the MPs, and get this idiot locked up." (Y/n) said, handing the man to the confused looking Smith.

"I'm sorry sir, wasn't my idea. Sarg said if I did it, he would make sure that I got a weekend pass; I've met a girl in the village, and I wanted to take her to the dance." Novak tried to explain, desperate to not find himself locked up for the forceable future.

"And this Sargent wouldn't happen to be Victor Creed, would it?" (Y/n) growled, slapping the young man around the back of the head as he nodded.

"That is for letting yourself be used." (Y/n) told Novak, shaking her head as the young man looked down sheepishly, one hand rubbing his ear, the other the back of his head.

"I am the one that controls the weekend passes, not Creed. You boys are quickly gonna learn that there is a new boss around here, and if Creed isn't careful, I will personally neuter him. Now, get in that damn office." (Y/n) warned, as she watched the man scurry into the building.

"I take it that Sargent Creed is not liking the fact that I am making him wait?" (Y/n) asked quietly, as she came to stand by Smith's side.

"I think you could say that sir. He is demanding to be seen, wants to know why he and Howlett are being left to last." Smith told (Y/n), running his finger around the inside of his collar, looking slightly confused as the captain began to laugh.

"Well Lieutenant, you can tell Creed that if he dares to demand anything of me again, he will be seeing this war out from behind bars. And you can also tell Creed, that I will see him when I damn well please, I don't know what your other captain did, but I assure you that I am a very different animal." (Y/n) said with a chuckle, as she patted Smith on the arm and made her way back into the office.

"Are you always so gullible Novak, or are you making a special exception just for today." (Y/n) asked, as she threw the file down on the desk, and sat in the chair across from the now very uncomfortable looking man, the smirk long since gone.

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