Chapter 16 - Brand new day

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She had been up before reveille; up before the sun had reared its head over the camp and rolling hills of English countryside. She had done her best to get a few hours sleep, yet the daunting thought of what was to come, had been enough to stop her from getting anything but a few moments of rest.

She knew that there was no point in complaining about the circumstances in which she found herself, it obvious that no matter how much she proved herself, she would always have ended up with something like this. She was after all a mutant herself, and no matter her rank, no matter what she did, she would never be seen as anything but a freak, by those above her. She and the men that she was now in command of, viewed as nothing more than cannon fodder that would be forgotten about as soon as they took a bullet; their efforts to aid in winning the war, never likely to be mentioned in any of the history books. But she had to suppose that things could be worse; she might have never got a command in the first place; her role, given her gender, mostly likely to become little more than a glorified secretary to men, whom she must say, from those that she had met, were not exactly some of the brightest sparks. That, and the majority of the men that she would one day be going into battle with, weren't all that bad.......the majority weren't that bad. The jury was most definitely still out though, on Creed.

Suddenly there was a loud bang on the door. A bang that not only shook the new door that had been replaced by Howlett after he had kicked it in, in its frame, but also the whole damn makeshift building. (Y/n) cleaning the coffee that the sound had just caused her to spit out, from her chin. It obvious that Schulz and Gorsky had allowed Dekker to announce their arrival.

"Come.........." She called out, after buttoning up her jacket. Schulz and Gorsky saluting as they made their way into the office; Dekker saluting from the doorway, that he was once again filling. (Y/n) feeling the need to shake her head at the trio, as the kid, the bookworm and the illiterate man mountain just stared back at her.

"Two minutes early.........that is a good start, gentlemen. I hate tardiness......" (Y/n) finally continued with a look at her watch, as she took a seat in the best chair that was left. Well, in truth, it was really the only chair she had left, after her fight yesterday with Creed.

"And Dekker, will you get your ass in this office and close the damn door. I swear this English weather is colder than anything at home......." She added, a shiver going down her spine, as a cool spring breeze somehow managed to get passed the big boy from Nebraska and surrounded her. (Y/n) hoping that once the summer arrived in the country, she might get the feeling back in her toes. Dekker saluting again, before squeezing his bulky body through the gap. The captain cringing slightly, as his feet landed on the floorboards of the room; the sound of a few cracks and creaks from the wood, forcing her to think that from now on, it might be best for her to deal with Dekker, outside; that, or, she would have to get the floor reenforced. In fact, she might need the whole building reenforced.

"Ok.......Gorsky, I seem to have acquired a pile of paperwork from my predecessor. I want you to go through it and see what I have to deal with; if there is any correspondence that needs my immediate attention, let me know. Schulz, I need you to go and find the lieutenant and ask if he has been able to organise something so that I can see what you boys can do. Tell him if he hasn't, I need him to get his butt in gear and fix it. And Dekker........." The big brunette smiling down at his XO.

"I need a tour guide. I didn't get a chance to see the camp yesterday, and I want to get my bearings. And I believe that it would be better to get you on firmer ground. I don't think my office, and what little furniture is left after Creed thought he could push another captain around, can take the punishment of your weight..........." (Y/n) told the big man. Getting up from her rickety seat, as she saw his smile leave his lips, and his head drop; and placing a hand on his arm.

"It's nothing against you, Dekker; you've done nothing wrong. This is all Creed's doing. And I must admit, me changing into you, didn't do the floor any favours when I sat on him. But it was funny though, wasn't it.........?" A large smile coming back the Dekker's lips, at her word. Nodding as the XO patted him on the arm.

"Now, come on. The day isn't getting any younger, nor am I........" She continued. The three men saluting at her again, before Schulz ran out of the office, Gorsky turned his attention to the pile of papers on top of one of the dented filing cabinets, and Dekker; well Dekker she just turned around and helped to push him out of the door.


"Good morning, Sir..........." A rather cheery voice came, as (Y/n) appeared from behind the wall of Nebraskan male. Her eyes falling on a rather smug looking Sanchez and a saluting Walsh. The speedster and the man that could walk through walls, both stood next to two pieces of furniture.

"And what are these........?" The captain enquired, as she made her way over to the pair.

"A new chair and desk, Sir............."

"Yes corporal, I can see that. But where have they come from.........?"

"Well, I er...........requisitioned for the war effort, Sir........." Sanchez explained, as she circled the rather fine looking pieces, and the pair of soldiers. It obvious that neither the chair, nor the desk were army issue.

"And this.......requisition for the war effort, won't be being reported missing in the evening papers, or be of interest to the local constabulary, will they........?"

"Sir.......I would never........" The corporal retorted, doing his best to looked shocked. To look hurt........yet the mischievous twinkle never left his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Well, don't just stand there with your thumbs up your butts. Get my new furniture inside. And if you are going to be phasing with Walsh, for the love of God, Sanchez, don't let go. I don't want to have to explain why one of my corporals is stuck in my wall........." (Y/n) ordered. Both Sanchez and Walsh saluting again, before picking up the desk.

"And Sanchez..........."

"Yes sir...........?"

"Thank you.............." She added. The New Yorker giving her a smile in reply, before he and Walsh moved through the wall of the temporary building.

"Now, Dekker........the camp.........." 

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