Chapter 9 - Last but not least

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(Y/n) looked up, as the last of the privates entered the room. Her brows furrowing slightly, as stood in the office was a rather mousy, nervous looking man that was shorter than even the seventeen year old, Schultz.

" are Gorski..........?" Her brows furrowing even more as he just nodded in reply.

"Well, why don't you come and sit down, and we can talk..........?" She continued. Gorski quickly making his way to one of the chairs on the opposite side of the desk and taking a seat.

She had met some real characters since she had got to the camp. Twelve very different men, and though some had been a little nervous as they had come to sit before their new XO, (Y/n) could see that they had larger than life spirits. So, this he coped with all the others in the platoon, she could only imagine.

"Can I ask you something..........?" Gorski looking up, as the new captain asked the question.

"Yes......yes, sir......."

"Does Sargent Creed make things difficult for you, around here.........?" (Y/n) asked. The breath catching in Gorski's chest at the question.

"Its ok, Gorski. Whatever you say to me, will not go any further than this office. And I already know that the Sargent makes life hard for other members of the platoon. So.........?"

"He.......he likes to say that I am not a man. That I should be with the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, not a real platoon. That I should have stayed at home in the States to cook and clean...........because I prefer to read instead of going to the pubs and getting drunk. Instead of chasing after the local girls........."

If (Y/n) hadn't disliked Creed before, she most definitely did, now. The captain not sure who or what had given the feral the right to judge others. To claim what were and were not the characteristics of a real man. The captain deciding that she would show the sargent what her idea of what a man was, when he finally dragged his feral behind into her office.

"If you ask me, a real man is someone that doesn't bully those that he deems weaker than him. A real man doesn't berate and belittle others because they are quieter, or more thoughtful. And a real man isn't dumb enough to do those things to someone that can do what you can........" (Y/n) told the quiet man, as she opened his file.

"Aleksy Gorski.........mind manipulation. Now that is an ability I could use. Why don't you tell me what you can do..........?" The captain finally continued, as she closed the folder.

"Well, to be honest, sir, I'm still learning what I can do. Unlike the others, I didn't know I was.........I was different until a couple of years ago. I don't even think I should be with the others, given that even Schultz has better control over his abilities than I do............"

"Gorski..........." The captain interrupted. The private looking up at the officer.

"I don't care if you've known about your abilities since you were a kid, or whether you discovered them just last week. The important thing is that you have them, and given that, you deserve to be here, just as much as all the others. Look............." (Y/n) began, as she got to her feet and moved around to the other side of the desk. Gorski looking up at her as she took a seat on the corner of the table.

"I was sent here to stop the whole damn lot of you being a thorn in the General's side. He thinks that this platoon is a waste of time, that he would rather you didn't exist. But I don't give a shit about the General or what he wants, because I have my own agenda. I am here to kick this platoon into gear so that we can prove to the General, to everyone else, what it is that this platoon can actually do. What it is that mutants, can do. That M Platoon is not expendable. I am here to do all I can to make you work together. To have you learn how to combine your abilities so that you are greater as a team, than you are even as individuals. And I think that if you and I work together, if we learn what it is that you can and cannot do, you could be one of the greatest assets that I have. You, Aleksy Gorski, will scare the crap outta the Nazis when we figure out what you are capable of." The captain continued, giving the still hesitant looking man a pat on the shoulder, before making her way back to her chair.

"Now, I have Shultz and Dekker coming to help me out in the office from tomorrow morning, and as you seem to be a more educated man, I think I could use you too. That, and just like them it will keep you out of Creed's firing line until I can knock him down a peg or two. So, tomorrow morning, 0700 hours, you will be here. And I hope you know how to type, because I hate paperwork." (Y/n) told him. Gorski this time smiling, as he nodded at her.

"Ok, get your butt outta my office and ask the lieutenant to send in Howlett. I am going to make Creed sweat a little longer." Gorski quickly getting to his feet and saluting, before heading for the office door.


"Gorski.............." Strong called out, after he and the others had watched him go and speak to the lieutenant. The mousy man joining them, as their eyes followed Smith as he went over and spoke to Howlett. The sargent stumping his stogie out on a wall, before pushing it into his pocket and making his way up the three small steps to the XO's office. The sarg making his way inside, after a loud 'ENTER' was called.

"What he say...........?" Strong continued. Gorski taking off his spectacles and cleaning them on his shirt.

"The captain said he was sent here because the General thinks we are a thorn in his side; that he would rather we weren't here. But the cap doesn't give a damn about what the General wants. He wants to help. He wants to show everyone what we can do as a team; and he's going to help me figure out what I am able to do, and I believe him. And I'm joining Dekker and Shultz at the office in the morning. I think that we should give this one a try. That we shouldn't let Creed run him off........." Gorski explained, as he and the others looked over to where Creed was growling and had just slashed at one of the wooden poles that had been turned into a signpost. The top of it falling to the ground, as the feral's nails sliced the pole clean in half.

"Its good you say that, Gorski. Cos we have a plan." Sanchez replied. He and the others smiling, before telling their platoon mate, what they had in mind.  

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