Chapter 13 - Long day

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(Y/n) looked out of the window of the office. After her little interaction with Creed, he had actually done as he was told and cleaned up her office; well, she said 'cleaned up', what he had actually done was that he had righted the furniture that had been knocked over in the fight. Though it was certainly not the same as it had been, before the sargent had chosen to attack. One of the legs partly broken off her desk, meaning that it now needed to be propped up by a pile of books that Sanchez had suddenly appeared with, and both of her chairs had been smashed into little more than firewood; though once more, her resident speedster had come to her aid, producing another, much nicer chair for her. The captain deciding that it was best not to ask the corporal where he had got it.

To say it had been a long and eventful day, would be an understatement. Only that morning she had left her friend, Justin, to start her new command; though the morning now felt as if it had been months ago. And on top of that, she had had the dubious pleasure of meeting the biggest rag tag group of fifteen men she had ever come across in her life. Yet, as diverse as they were, as different their abilities, as much as they seemed to have been just individuals only concerned with themselves before she turned up; now, they had proved that they could work together, and that was a start. The words of her friend going around in her mind, telling her that he knew she could do anything she put your mind to. That he had seen her work wonders with even the most difficult recruits, and that the guys of her new platoon would be no different. (Y/n) just hoping that Justin hadn't put too much faith in her abilities, and that she could live up to his belief in her.

As she looked out over the camp, it was still hard for her to believe that she was here. She knew that is it wasn't for her own skills, she would still be in the States with Duke, the old hound her only company in the farmhouse, miles away from her nearest neighbour. The knock on her door that day, certainly a surprise; though she supposed that it shouldn't have been. It only making sense that no matter how far she tried to distance herself from those that would hate her if they knew what she really was; that she and others like her, would be being kept an eye on. Those without mutations seeming to believe some of the strangest things about them, fearing what they could do, if they came together. Yet now, and despite that continued fear, hatred and distrust, it was they, the mutants that were being looked to; not that she was foolish enough to think that they would be anything more than cannon fodder, thrown in before those men that were not freaks, could be sent in to claim the glory. But if she had anything to do with it, such a thing would not befall the men that were now under her command. And somehow, some way she would do all she could to ensure that each and every one of them made it through all this and returned to the States and whatever loved ones they might have.

"Sir........." A voice came. (Y/n) turning to see Schultz stood in the doorway. The captain still not liking the idea of having one so young under her command, still standing by her opinion that he should be back State side, chasing around girls for kisses, not trying to get himself killed in this shit show. But she had to admit that she could understand his reasoning, sure that it must be hard for the family, for him to convince people that not all Germans were like those that had caused this war.

"Yes, Schultz..........?"

"I was........are you ok? I mean, when you were........when you were fighting the sarg you were bleeding pretty bad..........."

"Oh, yes. Thankfully Creed seems to have quite the most interesting healing ability, so I am as good as new........." (Y/n) explained, giving the young man a small smile.

"Oh, that......that's good. And if you don't mind me saying, sir, I think that its good that you are like us. Don't get me wrong, I didn't really have anything against Captain Drake, or anyone that isn't........well, ya know; but knowing that you understand, that you've been through things like the rest of us have, it.......well its good. And I've never met a shape shifter before, so seeing what you could do.........the look on Sargent Creed's face was one thing when you were fighting him, but when you changed into Dekker, I thought Ox was gonna lose his mind........." The young man chuckled.

"Well, I am glad I impressed. Now all I ask is that the rest of you impress me tomorrow when you show me what you can do. That and you, Dekker and Gorski don't trash my office any more than Creed already did. I don't want to try and explain why I need a new desk if it losses any more legs." (Y/n) replied, as she looked at the pile of books that were the only things stopping the table from toppling over.

"Now, is there anything else.........?"

"Oh, yes, sir. and the other boys, I mean, were wondering if you would join us for dinner? We don't eat with the other platoons, some of them don't like it, so........."

"You know what, that's the best invitation I have had in a long time, Corporal. Let's go.........." (Y/n) replied, suddenly realising that she hadn't eaten all day, and becoming Dekker had made her surprisingly hungry. Schultz smiling broadly, before saluting and gesturing for her to follow him. 

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