Here there be cliches and tropes of the vampire kind. Ye be warned.
I wrote this for a red-headed young man who liked vampire novels.
This is, arguably, a novella.
The story, although somewhat alternate-universe (or at least out of continuity with most recent timeline and canon) does bridge the time between The Empty World series, and the Trepidation Trilogy. Thus, it contains spoilers for The Empty World and related works.
There are some scenes of vampire blood drinking, and briefly described or mentioned sexual relationships. In chapter five there are two brief instances of self-harm, which clearly should not be imitated by those without supernatural healing powers. I think it's safe to maintain an all ages rating.
It's not to be taken too seriously. But, please enjoy the vampire cheesiness of it all.
Treasure: a Vampire Novella | The Empty World Sequence
VampirVampire Dark Fantasy --- David is a wandering vampire unclaimed by his maker, who must operate in secrecy to avoid conflicts with the ruling Darkling. When he comes near Alexandria, the Capital of the Union of Darkland Nations, David finds the loca...