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Third person pov

Jisung sat at his study table, scribbling lyrics on his paper as he always did. "Why am I smelling so sweet today?" he wondered, sniffing the sweet honey and apple scent that filled his room. He felt dizzy from his own scent, a potent aroma that seemed to envelop him.

He settled his papers in the drawer and rushed to his mom's room, a place he wasn't allowed to enter, but one that felt like home. Maybe he had never seen his mom in person, but her portrait radiated beauty, and he still felt guilty for her passing, thinking he was the reason for it.

Jisung opened the door to his mom's room, and since his dad was not in the house, he felt a sense of freedom for a moment. He entered and opened the closet, welcoming the familiar scent of jasmine, his mom's signature perfume.

He took out one of the clothes and hugged it, sniffing his mother's scent, feeling a sense of comfort. After a few moments, he put it back and his gaze fell upon a light blue cloth tucked away in the back of the closet. He managed to take the cloth, and it was a beautiful skirt, but it was too small compared to the other clothes. Jisung assumed it must have been his mom's when she was younger.

The desire to wear it screamed inside him, and he hesitated for a moment before deciding to wear it anyway. He wore the skirt over his sweatpants, and the little omega slowly removed his sweatpants from under the skirt, revealing his silk-like thighs with some bruises.

He held the edge of the skirt, trying to bow like a princess, and giggled at his reflection. He found himself cute in the skirt and spun around, widening his arms. Suddenly, a cramp hit his abdomen. "Ouch" he curled himself on the floor, hugging his tummy.

Just then, his dad entered the room, making the situation worse. "What the fuck are you doing here? How dare you come inside my wife's room?" he shouted, pulling his belt to beat the omega, who was already in pain.

"You wore a skirt?! You wore my wife's skirt!" he shouted, his anger and disgust palpable. Jisung begged, "D-dad, please," but his dad didn't stop. The little omega didn't feel pain from the beating, but the cramp in his abdomen was killing him.

Just as his dad was about to continue, he stopped and sniffed the strong apple and honey scent in the room. "Don't you dare to get your fucking heat right now!" he shouted, giving a kick to the little omega's stomach. Jisung hissed in pain. "You are a failure, Jisung!" he shouted and left the room with a loud thud.

Jisung, who didn't care about his father right now and was only worried about his pain, curled himself up and let out a loud sob. Slick started to pool around him. He had no idea what the liquid was, but he felt disgusted.

"Hey little boy!" A girl in her twenties standing in the window called the omega. "I'm here to help you; could you try to open this?" She asked, pointing at the lock on the window. Jisung hissed and crawled to the window, opening it for the young lady. She took off her heels and jumped into the room.

"Hi, I'm Lia! An omega like you. I was just passing by and smelled your scent, so I confirmed that you're in your heat. And I'm sure these filthy alphas don't hesitate to do something wrong to you just because you're a child," she said. "I'm Jisung. Do something; it's paining," he cried out.

Lia looked at the kid with care and lifted him from the slicky floor, laying him on the couch. "What's your age?" "12." "What?! You're just 12?" She exclaimed and let out a deep sigh, opening a bottle that had suppressants. She poured a little amount and fed the little boy.

"Where are your clothes, Jisung? I'll get something new for you," she said. Jisung pointed in the direction of his room. She came back with shorts, a shirt, and a towel. She arranged the towel on the bed and handed the clothes to the boy. "Change," she said and waited outside, giving some privacy to him. In the meantime, she ordered some soup.

After settling himself in the clothes, he asked for the girl. She came inside and lifted the omega, settling him in bed and feeding him soup. "Here, have this. This is a scent blocker. Stick it in your scent gland," she handed him the scent blockers.

Lia explained how to take care of himself when he's in heat, like making a nest. "You can have this too, I bought it for my sister, but you can use it. I'll get her a new one," she said, handing him a collar. "Have this card too. Whenever you want suppressants, just call me, and I can get you some."

Jisung thanked her, feeling a sense of gratitude towards this stranger who had helped him in his time of need. Lia smiled and patted his shoulder before leaving the room, jumping out the window the same way she came in.

Jisung closed his eyes, feeling the pain in his abdomen slowly subside. He drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a prince who always came to his rescue.

 He drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a prince who always came to his rescue

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Long ass chapter😫. Btw tq for 500 reads 😗
Hope you guys like this part don't forget to comment and vote 💚💖

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