011. The Simple Intimacy of the Near Touch

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Rain clattered against the windows as if pebbles were getting thrown. Thunder flashed across the sky and illuminated the room, casting a shadow on the mural decorating the ceiling. The sound of her sisters' and mother's snoring filled her ears, making her less capable of falling asleep. She turned over to the side and then upwards, hoping the adjustment to her position would help, but she was trapped in this endless night.

Knowing she was bound to lay awake, Elizabeth figured she could head to the library and read a nice book. Maybe the text would exhaust her eyes and finally, she would be liberated from this torment that her mind's become. She sighed and quickly tossed the covers from her before grabbing a candle and quietly leaving the room.

The halls were deserted and obscure, except for when the lightning shone. She walked carefully and silently to the library, hoping no one would be awake. Some time alone was needed and while she managed to obtain it hours earlier, it didn't suffice and left her parched like a wilted lilac.

Once she reached the room, she was amazed when noticing how full of books this place was. It was unlike anything she had ever witnessed that she couldn't prevent from smiling at the beauty of literature. Carefully setting her candle down, she headed to the shelves and reached for a random one. She flipped through the pages and caressed its texture, loving its rustic smell and vintage look.

As she began reading, she took a seat on the ground. The burgundy rug was comfortable and felt soft against her skin. She stretched her legs out and continued reading, finding herself intrigued with this book about a voyage at sea. Certainly she desired to have a library this grand in her home one day. She couldn't imagine ever restricting her future children from literature as there was nothing more powerful than words and knowledge.

Elizabeth leaned her head back against the shelves and found herself finishing the first chapter already. She turned the page, but that was when the door opened, startling her and making her stand up.

Under the doorframe, Anthony was standing and gazing into the room. His once kempt shirt was hanging loosely, matching the tiredness in his eyes and exhausted form. He had noticed faint light coming from the room and worrying he could have possibly left a candle burning, he wasted no time in inspecting the vicinity.

"You startled me," she gasped, taking a deep breath and gathering composure.

"I did not mean to," he apologized, still standing under the doorframe. "I saw a light and thought I left a candle lit."

Elizabeth didn't say anything and just held tighter onto the book. She felt like an intruder given the fact that she just barged into his library without asking. She wouldn't blame him if he demanded that she left the room and never entered it ever again.

Anthony glanced down at the floor, not wanting to head to his chambers just yet. "Could you not sleep?"

"No, I couldn't," she admitted and turned around to return the book to its rightful place. "But I think I shall head back. I do not want to intrude-"

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