Chap 9 : Not that big of a deal.

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It took him 15 years. It was around 11Pm when he came back home. Ellie was in her room, she was old enough to be alone at home. " I'm home " he said, " Fine Dad " she answered. His phone rang, a text from Angela " So ? " . He dialed her number, she answered in a second.

A - Home already ?
T - Yeah...
A - How was it ?
T - Awkward.
A - And ... ?
T - And, and, she was awkward, the date was akwward. Everything. She can't stop talking about her. There was no attraction. Nothing. But, no. I'm done with that. I gave it a try.
A - Hm.. Did you really try ?
T - Of course i did. I mean, i am the one who asked her for a date. It's one thing to meet someone and have small talk, but it's different when you're going out on a date because why not ? At first she was a nice person, attractive i'm not gonna lie, but at the end we had nothing in common, and ...
A - And it was not Lucy right ?
T - Yes. After 15 years, it's still Lucy.
A - And maybe it will always be Lucy
T - Maybe. But, how is it possible to be unable to move on ? I will always miss her, everyday but i got my life back. I'm living without her. Sometimes it's hard, but now most of the time, i'm ok. I'm ok until it comes to " love life ". Dating someone was a big step for me, really. But i was unable to enjoy it. When i divorced from Isabel i was sure dating was a waste of time until i met Lucy, and even if i once said " I'm over with wedding " i proposed her. Why is this different ?
A - Because it's not the same situation, and maybe because Isabel was not the love of your life ? Of course you loved her, but, she was not the one. It was hard for you. But, Lucy, was the one, you didn't have the chance to say goodbye, it was brutal. So maybe, you just can't love someone else as you loved Lucy, and it's ok i guess.. I will keep you a place with Wes and me in our futur retirement home, I won't leave you alone.
T - You are so generous Ang... But seriously, thank you.
A - For what ?
T - For everything you did and said during those 15 years.

In 15 years, she proved what the definition of " Bestfriend " mean. She listened to him, she was there, she helped him to raise Ellie.

Later that night, when he went to his bedroom, he stopped at Ellie's room.  He knocked and waited a " Yes ? " before he opened the door.

T - You ok kiddo ?
E - Hm hm. How was your date ?
T - How did you know ?
E - Suit and perfume ? Come on...
T - You are way to clever ..
E - So ?
T - Terrible. But that's ok.
E - You know dad, that's ok for me if you are dating someone.
T - I know.. It's just, me, you know..
E - I'm just sayin, if one day you are ready, it won't be a problem for me.
T - Goodnight Kiddo..
E - Night Daddy, love you.

He smiled. It was strange to have this conversation with his 15 years old daughter but in another way, it was nice too. He looked at her. She was her mother. Same face, same smile, same temper, same everything. And the more she was getting older the more she looked like her. He finally closed her door and went back to his bedroom. Nothing changed in 15 years. He still had her picture on his bedside table, and he still talked to her sometimes. It was less painfull now. He learned to live without her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


He was worried as fuck. It was 9pm and Ellie was not home. He tried to call her several times, no answers. Angela was with him. They asked the station to track her phone number. They finally found her exact location. Patrol had her, and took her back home. No he was no more worried, he was pissed off. Someone knocked at the door. Tim opened. Two officers and his daughter. I thanked them, and Ellie was home. He closed the door and faced her.

T - Where the fuck were you Ellie ?
E - With a friend, not that big of a deal !
T - Excuse me ? You are 15, it's 9pm, you were i don't know where with i don't know who doing i don't know what, not responding to your phone and your answer was " Not that big of a deal " ? Where were you ?
E - With a friend, out.
T - Which friend ?
E - You don't know her.
T - Her name
E -  Amelia
T - Doing what ?
E - We were at the beach. Talking with classmates.
T - Basically, you were at a beachparty. Did you drink ? Smoke ? Or anything else ?
E - No.
T - Ellie ?
E - I drunk one beer that's all.
T - Give me your phone
E - Why ?
T - You are grounded for a month. You will have your phone back in 2 weeks.
E - Dad please, you can't please
T - We have rules Ellie. You didn't respect them. You are 15. Not 21. Now go to your room, and think about what you did.
E - Dad...Please.
T - Room now.
E - Da ...
T - I can add another month

She looked at him, with teary-eyed. She was pissed off. She took the direction of her bedroom, but she stopped on her way, and faced her father again.

E - I hate you. So much. Sometimes i wish you were dead instead of mum.

She dropped her sentence, looked at him, went to her room and slammed the door. Tim was stoic, and surprised. It was the first time something like that happened. It was not perfect everyday because she was a teenager, but, not like this.

A - You know she didn't mean it Tim, she was just angry
T - Hm.
A - Both of you need to calm down. She will probably still be angry tomorrow.She made a mistake, she didn't respect rules, but she's a teenager. She's trying to find herself. So now take a deep breath, go to your room and try to sleep. And tomorrow, or the day after, try to have a discussion with her, a calm one. I know you were scared, but, she's safe ok ?

She smiled and hugged him before she left him. He went to his bedroom, laid down on his bed. He took his phone and send her a text.

From Tim to Ellie :
" I'm harsh on you because i love you, even if you hate me. Good night kiddo ".

He was not expecting an answer, but his phone rang.

From Ellie to Dad :
" Good night too Dada. "

Even if she was pissed off, even if she was fifteen, she was still his baby. Even more when she called him " Dada ".

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31/05/2024 : Here we are. Another chapter. I think the next one will be the last one. Maybe i have another long story ideas, but for this one, i think i said everything i wanted. SOOO, please vote and comment. It helps. See you later, for the last Chapter. Chap 10. Take care xx

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