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'Dear past self, you fucking idiot...' Thought Zenitsu with his dumbfounded face as he stared at his three friends who had the same school uniform just like his own. He thought he already escaped your evil grasp but unfortunately for him, the god had another plan for him... probably a suicidal one to be exact.

The blond-haired male cursed himself when he agreed with his gramps to go to the Kimetsu Academy as a middle schooler, thinking that it probably would be all right but he didn't expect you to go to that same school too, what a small world.

He let out a tired long sigh and sulked. 'Suddenly, my motivation has completely vanished.' He thought, seeing the one barbaric boar girl and the scolding older brother figure while the other quiet butterfly clip girl was watching them.

"I WILL DOMINATE THE ENTIRE BUILDING!! JUST WATCH ME GONPACHIRO!!" You declared, jumping up and down excitedly while the said male just played along with you, nodding his head with a smile.

"Hai, hai. I'm sure you can."


'Don't hype her up, Tanjiro!!' Zenitsu was mentally crying when you made a victory pose with both hands on your hips and imaginary light shone on you as it was kinda weird looking because you literally were wearing your boar mask but this time with a skirt on.

You usually wore pants when they were little, so he couldn't get used to seeing you with the girly thing on as you were known for your aggressive nature.

'At least there's another normal person here... or so...' He then looked at Kanao and smiled to himself before it went down in disappointment when he saw her let out a coin and flipped it in her hand at the side.

Kanao smiled to herself when the female was satisfied with the result. "I'm sure you can too, Y/n."

"Oh! You too, Kanako?!"

Tanjiro was confused about why she flipped the coin and wanted to ask her when they arrived at the school because he needed to settle something first, passing his look at you.

'...what the hell?' Zenitsu blankly looked at her.

"Y/n-chan, you should really take off your boar mask." The burgundy-haired male said to you which you returned with "Huh?" and he continued. "You can't let people know your true identity, you know."

You stared at him for a solid five seconds before replying. "You're right!" and took off the boar mask, showing your incredible feminine face.

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