Chapter 6

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"Sweetie, is your dad coming?" The five year old looked up from her lap, her eyes connecting to the teacher.

She was asked to stay back after the class because her documents were blank, the teacher was surprised how she even got the admission.

She nodded, the teacher murmured in frustration and looked around.

"Could you tell me a few things? I need to fill out information and your dad isn't here yet." The little girl nodded again clawing at her skin in nervousness.

"Your full name"

"Selene Kolja Salvatore." The teacher looked up.

"Kolja? That's a wei- peculiar name."

"Mother's name?"

"Deva Aradia Salvatore."

"Father's Name?"

"Damon Salvatore."

"How many people live with you in your house?"

"Dad and me." Selene whispered, her skin red from scratching.

"Selene, be louder."

"Dad and me." The teacher nodded.

"Is your mom dead?" The tears were now flowing down the little Salvatore's face. She clutched her reddened hand started sobbing.

"What's happening here?" A stern voice called out.

Selene's head snapped up to her father standing in the doorway, a worried expression on his face.

She got off the chair and stumbled towards him, her whole frame shaking with nervousness.

Damon quickly bent down and held her in his arms, wiping her tears softly.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, I've got you. Shh." She clutched his shirt tightly , still shaking.

"What happened?" He asked her softly.

"Mr. Salvatore —" Damon shot the teacher a glare and she shut up.

"Everyone went home, she didn't let me. She left me in the class for hours. Dad, I was so scared." She choked out and hugged him tightly.

Damon quickly hugged her back and picked her up. He picked her bag with another hand and moved towards the teacher.

"You will give your resignation today, then go home, break off with your finance and husband. After that, you'll throw him out of your house hang yourself on the pretty fan, got it?"

"Yes" the teacher replied under compulsion.

"Bye." He said and left the class with Selene in his arms.

"That's bad dad. We don't use our magic for bad things." Selene pulled back from her father's neck and glared at him.

"Yes, definitely. But she hurt you." Damon pouted but Selene still narrowed her eyes at him until she heard a voice .

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗺𝘆 - 𝗻𝗶𝗸𝗹𝗮𝘂𝘀 𝗺𝗶𝗸𝗮𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗼𝗻Where stories live. Discover now