Chapter 8

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Selene's Pov

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Selene's Pov

I walk briskly through the streets of Edinburgh. The city is beautiful at this time of the month. The captivating palette of oranges, yellows, and red leaves along with water droplets under my shoes make me smile. I take in the freshly calm air with that hint of an earthly aroma, the fragrance of homeliness.

I sit in a cafe and order myself coffee and open my laptop. I landed in Edinburgh this afternoon around twelve. I check the time, it is almost five. I reply to a few emails and then click on the number Sheila sent me.


I have tried to learn about the originals through witches as much as I can. But they're afraid to tell me more than what I already know.

I click on the number and hold the phone to my ears waiting for someone to pick it up. The call is answered and all I hear is ragged breathing. I raise my eyebrows and ask.

"Were you shagging up?"  

I hear the breathing stop and after a minute, a rich deep accented voice answers. It is very clear that he did not appreciate me calling but yet the politeness remains in his tone.

"My apologies, who am I speaking to?" He asks but I don't reply to that.

"I need your help with something, can we meet?" There's a huge silence on the other side at my extremely absurd question.

"I'm sorry, did you just call me up demanding for my help when I don't even know you, you don't even show the courtesy to greet. Why would I help you?"

He definitely sounds old.

"I'm sending you my address, if you want to show up." I say.

"Excuse-" I hung up the phone and kept it on the table and looked at it.

Did I just call an original, demanded his assistance and hung up on him?

Yes, I did.

I send him the address and I continue to work on my essay.

After a while, I get bored and look up from my laptop, closing it. I get the camera from my bag and look around for faces. I like to capture faces and then paint them later.

I get a couple pictures but they don't appeal to me much and I continue to look around when the bell of the cafe dings and I look at the door.

A tall man wearing a suit and long coat enters, he has a lanky yet muscular figure, his hairs are brown and short but suits him perfectly. His eyes wander around searching for somebody but yet amidst the search he looks elegantly composed. He raises his right hand and presses onto the side of his head, rubbing his template and I raise my camera to capture it. As soon as I click the picture, his eyes snap at me. This is by far the best picture I've taken.

His eyes remain trained on me for a while and then he decides to make his way to me. I keep my camera aside and wait for him.

"It is rude to hang up on people." He says as soon as he joins me on the side stool.

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗺𝘆 - 𝗻𝗶𝗸𝗹𝗮𝘂𝘀 𝗺𝗶𝗸𝗮𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗼𝗻Where stories live. Discover now