Chapter 10

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The last three days have been torturous

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The last three days have been torturous. Nicole has been gone since looking for Luna Lily, her aunt.

Mine too.

Anyways, I could trace her for a while until some magic blocked me out. I was outraged, obviously, and frustrated. No magic is stronger than mine, yet I could not locate her. I assume it is because of my deteriorating condition.

I have lived in the Mikaelson mansion and have not spoken properly with Niklaus. We have crossed paths numerous times. It is impossible not to when his room is across from mine.

We both prefer to stay locked inside our room; I busy myself with my sketches and paintings. I have no idea what he does; maybe he just makes blueprints for how to kill his enemies.

Elijah and I, however, have been talking, and he makes sure the three of us are there for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We make small talk, which Niklaus resents; anyone can tell from his face. I am not a fan of those, but Elijah is quite knowledgeable. I have learned so much from him just in three days. He speaks about music, eras, and literature so passionately that it makes you forget that Mikaelsons are the oldest and cruelest vampires.

I was in my room painting when I hear the loud banging on my door. I looked at the time, it was almost the time for dinner. But Elijah never bangs on my door, that is against his nature.

I slowly put my brush down and open the door with much force than I intended to. Niklaus already has his fist raised up in the air, going for another blow.

"You really have no patience, do you?"

I shake my head but instead of replying me his nose scrunches and he looks past me inside the room. I could not help but notice how innocent he looks at the moment, his curious eyes looking for something, his dirty blonde hair dancing on his forehead and his lips parted in surprise.

"Is that paint?" he asks and it was my chance to be surprised. The roughness that is always present in his voice is almost gone at the moment.

"Y-yeah" I shutter shaking myself out of the trance.

"Do you paint?" His eyes now looking at me, travelling over my whole face. I only manage to nod and he remains silent.

"Are you here to remind me of dinner?" I ask breaking our staring contest and his cold exterior returns.

"Yes, do you need constant reminders for everything?" The sarcasm, the humor and the smirk is back. I roll my eyes and close the door behind me. We silently walk towards the dining room, side by side.

"How is that you chose to come and get me instead of Elijah?" I ask because I want to keep the environment civil between us. However, I expect an indirect answer.

"Already fond of my brother, are we?" I knew it.

"Niklaus, I am trying to hold a normal conversation here. Could you let go of your apprehensiveness for a moment?" I huff looking away from his.

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗺𝘆 - 𝗻𝗶𝗸𝗹𝗮𝘂𝘀 𝗺𝗶𝗸𝗮𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗼𝗻Where stories live. Discover now