3 - helpful advice

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nobara's pov - 

Oh, that's right. I have to consult Megumi today. Man, why am I always the one doing the most work here?  I guess I have to do it in the afternoon. After training. After being exhausted. I'm so not doing this ever again. Next time, Gojo can go annoy someone else.

3rd person- 

Nobara brushed out her hair and got dressed. She curled her lashes but decided it wasn't worth doing anything else. 

"Kugisaki!~" A voice shouted for her behind the door. 

"Hah? Who's there?" She walked over to her door and slid it open, only to find Gojo.

"What do you want? I'm not doing anything else for you, Gojo." Nobara was already pissed at him.

"Nothing, just wanted to let you know that training has been cancelled for all of the 1st years today." 

A small light in Nobara's eyes brightened and a smile formed on her face. 

"But remember you have to talk to Megumi!" His voice got quieter as he walked away. Nobara hoped Megumi didn't hear that, but he probably did because Gojo is an extremely loud person. The light in Nobara's eyes vanished again. She slid her door shut and got changed into a casual outfit. She then decided it would be worth doing makeup today.

Upon looking at cute cafes to try when she desperately needed sleep, she found a new cafe not too far away and decided it would be a great spot to take him to. Nobara mentally prepared herself and headed off to Megumi's room to get him. She was a few steps away from his door when the realisation hit her- she stopped in her tracks.

I forgot to even ask him if he wanted to talk...I'll blame it on Gojo.

Continuing, she saw Itadori come out of his room in fancier clothes than usual.

"Hey, where are you going? A date?" Nobara chuckled.

"I'm going to see the new Human Earthworm! I heard this is the best one yet!" He exclaimed. Nobara was a bit relieved that Itadori had fully gone back to normal.

"That stupid movie?" 

"Hey! It's not stupid. The characters are written really  well, and the plot-" 

"Just go. My brain is getting tired of this conversation." She whined. Itadori mumbled under his breath and walked out of the building. Nobara took a deep breath and knocked on Megumi's door- more banged than knocked.

"Fushiguro! Come out!" She demanded. The door came flying open, causing Nobara to take a step back.

"What do you want?" He raucously said. He looked irritated.

"Gojo said I should check up on you, so we're going to a new cafe nearby!"

Megumi rolled his eyes in exasperation and turned away. 

"Look we both know I'd rather be shopping, but would you rather Itadori check up on you or me?" 

Megumi stared at her for about 30 seconds then sighed heavily.

" I'll be ready in 5 minutes." He reluctantly agreed. He slammed the door and Nobara could hear my sigh behind the door - not that she was trying to. In the meantime, Nobara thought about everything that had happened in the last days between Itadori and him. The blushing, the vulnerability between them, it all clicked.  She gave a small gasp of realisation, everything made so much more sense. She scrambled to text Gojo but when she was about to hit send, her phone crashed to the floor due to Megumi opening his door so aggressively.

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