18 - reunion | pt.2

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Megumi groggily opened his eyes to find the heavy Itadori sleeping on his chest with his face nuzzled into Megumi's neck. He ruffled his slim hands through his pink hair, playing with locks of it. Itadori nuzzled in closer into Megumi's neck, his breath on his neck sending shivers down Megumi's spine.


"What?!" Megumi exclaimed, a thick tone of annoyance evident in his voice. 

The door swung open and there stood Nobara dressed up. She lifted the black sunglasses off her face and rested it on her head. She noticed the position the two were in, she crossed her arms and gave Megumi a smirk.

"Shut up," Megumi grumbled, closing his eyes once more.

"We all agreed to go to the new amusement park today? Remember?" Nobara reminded, a big grin still plastered on her face. Megumi kept his eyes shut and groaned in dissatisfaction, not wanting to move (He also couldn't move, Itadori was weighing him down significantly).

"There's gonna be a massive line if you two don't hurry up," Nobara emphasised, sliding her sunglasses back down to her eyes.

"We'll be ready soon," Megumi mumbled back at her, snuggling into Itadori's soft hair. Nobara sighed and looked at them for a moment before shutting the door behind her. Knowing fully well that if they took too long Nobara would scold them the whole way, he gently shook Itadori to wake him up. That didn't work... Megumi sat up and shook him a little harder this time. Nothing happened. He then resorted to his last option.

"Ew....Megumi why are you licking me?" Itadori giggled with his eyes still shut. He placed an arm between what he thought was Megumi licking him. 

"I'm not licking you, dumbass," Megumi retorted, getting out of bed while his two demon dogs were keeping Itadori awake while he sorted through his clothes. Itadori opened his eyes to find his favourite dogs by his side. He instantly sat up and cuddled the dogs until Megumi forced Itadori to get dressed.


"We should've left earlier..." Itadori grumbled as the four of them had been standing in line for half an hour. Maki had her mission taken over by Inumaki and Panda, so she decided to join the first years out of boredom - she was now regretting coming with them.

"Quit whining," Maki spoke for everyone. If Itadori kept up with the whining, he might reach the 'Gojo' level of annoying. Soon enough, they made it passed security and were standing in front of the park. Its grandeur and multiple rides in the air caught their attention first. 

"We should go on a rollercoaster first!" Nobara suggested, pointing to a tall rollercoaster that went high up.

"We should!" Itadori joined in, sparks lighting up in both their eyes. They both turned to Megumi and Maki, who didn't seem too interested in going on it. 

"Maki and I can go get food and drinks for us and we'll meet you guys after?" He suggested, seeing as it was around their normal lunchtime. The rest of them thought it was a good idea, and so Itadori and Nobara were heading towards the menacing ride. They queued up in a small line and soon it was their turn to hop on the seats. Being oblivious to the intensity of the ride, they confidently sat on the very front seats. They pulled the bar down strapped them in and waited for it to start.

Maki and Megumi were walking and talking when they noticed they passed by the rollercoaster that Itadori and Nobara were on. Maki suddenly stopped and whipped out her phone. She positioned it so you could see the top of the rollercoaster just before it had a steep drop. 

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