5 - late night

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late night talking - harry styles


itadori's pov -

I just want to talk to him. I don't know what I want to talk to him about, I just want to talk to him. I texted him "Are u still awake?" Why did I do that? There's nothing else to do except go to sleep, try to go to sleep or stay up. I should ask Nobara for help - she would know what to talk about with Megumi!

Yuuji 🐯
Nobara 🎀🔨
What do you want 😐
I texted Megumi but idk what to talk to
Nobara 🎀
ask him questions?? idfk
Yuuji 😼
What does 'idfk' mean?
Nobara 🎀
I don't fucking know
Yuuji 😼
Oh ok I'll ask Megumi what it means
Nobara 🎀

megumi's pov -

Why did he text me "What does 'idfk' mean??" He's so stupid yet so compelling in such a weird way. My phone is about to die, I should text him that.

3rd person -

Megumi texted Itadori for a little bit while his phone was on the verge of death. He said that his phone was about to die and he couldn't find his charger. Itadori came up with the solution to just write on a piece of paper and slip it through a thin crack in the wall between them. Megumi stood before the crack, waiting for something to come through. Immediately, a folded piece of paper came out, dropping on the floor. He picked it up and opened it. In the corner of the page was a "Hey" written in blue ink- Itadori refused to write anything unless it was with blue ink. Megumi took the note to his desk and wrote back, using only the gleaming moon from his window as his light.


Yawning, Itadori checked his phone for the time - it was 2:12 am. They had already gone through two pages of paper and with the temperature dropping to a manageable warmth, he felt it was time to get some sleep - even though he desperately wanted to keep on writing to Megumi.

'I'm really tired, I'm going to sleep now. I've loved writing to you!!' Itadori slipped it through the crack and half a minute later the paper returned.

'I thought you said you weren't tired five minutes ago?' Megumi wrote, his black handwriting considerably better than Itadori's.

'I just wanted to keep on talking to you.' Itadori returned. When Megumi read this, he thought about Nobara's recommendation- to write down everything he felt towards him. Itadori sat against the wall, eagerly waiting for another response to come back, but nothing came back. 10 minutes turned to 30 minutes -nothing. Itadori shut his eyes for a moment and sighed, why was he still waiting for a response? Half asleep, he flopped on his bed and stared at the ceiling until he shut his eyes. When he was a second from falling into a deep sleep, Itadori heard the familiar sound of paper falling through the crack. He sat up and saw a different piece of paper than the one they had been using to communicate before. He meandered over and picked up the neatly folded paper.


I don't know how to say this. You're the reason I've been distracted ever since you asked me not to leave you - I should've stayed by your side. You've been on my mind. Over the past few days, I've been trying to figure out what this feeling is that I feel towards you - I think this is love. I've always felt vulnerable and safe with you.

I'm sorry if this is awkward.'

Itadori stared at the paper for a minute - his cheeks blushed and his heart was racing off of every word he read. He sat at his desk and wrote a reply on the back.

'I love you aswell, Megumi. '

Itadori hesitated as he was about to slip the note through. What if it was one big prank on him? Convinced that Megumi wasn't that heartless. He put the note through. Itadori didn't want Megumi to hate him, or damage their relationship if Megumi meant something else - but he couldn't stand the thought of being executed without him knowing Itadori's true feelings. Itadori's leg bounced up and down timorously - he sat at the edge of his bed, eyes locked in at the crack in the wall, waiting for something to happen.

Giving up, Itadori rested his head on his pillow and fell asleep.

megumi's pov -

I rub my eyes and look up from my bed to see if he's responded. I have no clue how long I've been asleep...I just feel so stupid writing a confession letter - would you call it that? Tsumiki would be happy I'm telling him the truth at least.

3rd person -

Megumi noticed the same note he wrote was positioned on the floor. He doubted himself for a second, believing he could've not sent it through. It was only until he saw his response on the back. He traced the 'I love you' with his finger, and sprung himself onto his bed - digging his face into a pillow. Megumi imagined Itadori himself saying that to him in real life.

He soon fell asleep, dreaming about Itadori.


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