11 - sleepover

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3rd person -

Training went by quickly for the day, and before they knew it, they were all heading back to their rooms. There was still no sign of Gojo anywhere - Yaga asked around but no one knew where he went which got to Itadori a bit.
"You seem distracted. Are you alright?" Megumi asked.

"I wonder where Gojo-sensei is. I hope he didn't die or something." Itadori was half joking. He stared intensely at the ground thinking.

"He's fine, my love." He reassured him, lifting his chin to meet his eyes. Itadori leaned in for a kiss while Megumi held his waist tightly.

"Could I sleep with you again?" Itadori asked again.

"Of course." Megumi didn't like admitting these things, but he slept better with Itadori by his side. He couldn't figure out which aspect made him sleep better with him - was it his presence? After a while of thinking about this, he concluded it was the sense of safety and reassurance that enticed him.
Seconds from falling asleep, Itadori heard his phone ding. He moved his head off of the sleeping Megumi's chest and read the text he had got from Nobara.

Nobara 🎀🔨                                                                     
Wake ur boyfriend up! the second years are at my dorm having a sleepover and you're coming.

i don't think he would be too happy with me if i woke him up..

Nobara 🎀🔨
idc !!

Itadori stared at Megumi who was peacefully sleeping. He looked at his long eyelashes, unaware that he had been putting his phone, which was bright, in front of his face as a torch to inspect his handsome features. His eyelids started to open but was wincing at the intense light shoved in his face.

"Ah...will you stop shining that in my face?" Megumi grumbled, eyes closed tightly.

"Sorry." Itadori removed the phone and went back to staring at his face. Megumi adjusted his eyes and opened them to find Itadori inspecting him closely.

"What are you doing anyways?"

"Nobara asked if we wanted to go to a sleepover with the second years?"

Megumi groaned in response to this. He shut his eyes tightly and wished he could go back to sleep with Itadori by his side.
"You're going to make me go?" Megumi sighed.

"You don't have to, but I think I'm gonna go. It sounds fun!"

"I'll come if you're going." Megumi regretted saying that - he didn't want to go at all.
Itadori switched back to his phone.

We'll be there in 5

They both begrudgingly got up  - it took them a little longer than five minutes to get out of bed. Once they were out, Itadori borrowed a black hoodie from Megumi.
"You look cute in that," Megumi whispered to himself. It was a bit oversized on Itadori, the sleeves on the hoodie covering his hands completely. They both exited his room and walked towards Nobara's room, Itadori dragging Megumi to come with him.
"Hey, guys!" Itadori said, walking in with the grumpy ravenette. Maki, Inumaki and Nobara were all sitting on the floor playing Uno while Panda was sleeping on the ground next to them. After talking for a while, the two boys joined in on Uno. With Nobara being a sore loser, Itadori's raw luck and Megumi's rage, it got pretty heated quickly. Inumaki and Maki stood back a bit from their conflicts.
"Uno, bitch." Nobara raucously stated, having that same dark aura around her as before. Itadori and the two second years had already won and were just watching Megumi and Nobara play on the side. Things weren't looking so good for Megumi as he had six cards left. He remained calm with a small grin on his face.
"Are you sure about that?" He asked with a bigger, devilish grin on his face. Megumi placed a +4 card down.
"FUCK YOU," Nobara yelled while throwing her cards in frustration. Itadori was giggling at this.
"SHUT UP." She turned to Itadori. He immediately did as she said. Megumi then stretched out his arms in front of him with his fists closed.
"With this treasure, I summon-"
After intervening in their immature fight over Uno, Nobara insisted on Maki and Inumaki following her to a supposed "secret" she found at the school. At 10 pm.
"Why now? Won't you wake up everyone?" Itadori questioned.

"I don't care, I just need to get away from him." She pointed at Megumi who was glaring at her.

"We'll be back soon." She said, shutting the door behind them. Now it was only Panda fast asleep in the corner of the room with Megumi and Itadori. Being bored, Itadori noticed a box of strawberry Pocky on her ground. He picked it up and noticed it was open.
"Do you wanna play the pocky game?" He asked Megumi. 

"What's that?"

"It's where there's two people begin eating pocky from one end and whoever breaks the pocky off loses," Itadori explained.

"I still don't get it."

"Let me show you." Itadori moved closer to him and grabbed a pocky from the box. He put the end of the pocky stick in his mouth and made a gesture for Megumi to come closer to him. Megumi moved closer and put his mouth on the other end of the stick, not sure what to expect. Itadori pulled away for a second and said "Now we just begin eating it until someone reaches the middle." 

Itadori put the pocky in between his lips again and began eating away, getting closer and closer until he was a centimetre away from his lips. Megumi hadn't moved at all, flustered in realising the intention of the game. Itadori brushed his lips slowly against Megumi's lips, teasing him. Itadori then broke off the pocky.
"I win!" Itadori cheered, munching on the pocky stick.

"I want a rematch. I'm not one to lose." Megumi said, determined to win. At the same time, he was covering his blushing cheeks with his hand. Itadori slid his hand into the Pocky box and got another one out. Locking eyes with each other, Itadori muffled "3,2,1," They both made it to the middle quickly. Megumi kissed him and entered his mouth, using his tongue to move the pocky from Itadori's mouth to his own. Itadori who was taken aback by this stood still while blushing. When the pocky was successfully in Megumi's mouth he broke the kiss. 

"I win." Megumi let out a small grin. Itadori just sat there, not blinking, not moving, just like a statue. Itadori's face was gradually getting to the same shade of pink as his hair.

"I-I'll win this time!" Itadori mumbled with his brows furrowing. He aggressively snatched the box without letting Megumi out of his sight. Putting the last pocky stick in between his lips once more, Itadori counted down again. This time he had a different strategy - he pushed Megumi to the ground on his back with Itadori on top of him. Megumi had already swallowed the pocky stick, but he was curious to see how far Itadori would go. He entered Megumi's mouth with his tongue and tried to find the pocky but he couldn't find anything. Itadori grabbed the sides of his face, thinking he needed to go deeper. Itadori could feel Megumi's pulsating, rapid heartbeat on his chest. Megumi kissed back, making sure to be gentle against Itadori's soft lips.

"Did you seriously eat it already?" Itadori pouted. He suddenly sat up and said, now sitting on Megumi's lap. He looked disappointed that the last one was gone.

"I ate it at the start when you pushed me down." Megumi admitted. He sat up from the ground and came closer to Itadori who was watching him carefully. Megumi leaned in next to his neck and whispered against it. His hot breath against his neck made Itadori feel weak in the knees.

"I win." 


- end

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