6 - the trip | pt. 1

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3rd person -

The knocking and banging on the sound of Itadori's door reverberated around the school.

"Yuji!~" Gojo chirped from behind the door.

Itadori grunted and sat up from his bed, rubbing his eyes intensely.

"I'm coming in!" Gojo then busted into his room and turned on the light, causing Itadori to wince and cover his eyes with his hand.

"What do you want? It's, like, 6 am." Itadori groaned.

"It's 9 am," Gojo responded.

"HUuh?" Itadori grabbed his phone to check the time- Gojo was right.

"Don't worry, training has been cancelled for the week. Nanami is on an important mission, and something happened." Gojo saw that Itadori was a bit taken aback.

"Nothing you need to worry about, anyways."

"So, I've decided, we are all going on a five-day trip to a resort near a beach!" He smiled.

"Including the second years?" Itadori asked.


Itadori had a gut feeling that there was a deeper reason why they were going on a trip so suddenly but decided to ignore it. Gojo kept on talking about how amazing the trip would be, but Itadori couldn't keep his mind off of his confession from last night. Gojo sensed that Itadori was losing interest in him yapping about the trip, so he decided to leave and tell the others. 

"I'll leave you now, but make sure you've packed your bags because we're leaving three hours!" Gojo shut the door gently. Itadori could hear him walk to the room next to him and bang on Megumi's door. He laid back down on his bed and thought he should say something to Megumi. After he heard Gojo go off to probably inform Nobara, Itadori got dressed in casual clothes and opened his door. He took a deep breath walking towards his door, but when he was a few steps away, Megumi's door opened. Megumi jerked back a little in surprise but panicked inside when he saw Itadori. 

"Megumi" Itadori realised how unprepared he was. They stood in silence, staring at each other, their hearts racing. In a split second, Megumi grabbed Itadori by the collar and kissed him. Itadori blushed and took a step back in shock. He wrapped his arms around Megumi and shut his eyes. After what felt like an eternity, Megumi ended the kiss. 

"I'm sorry." He covered up his face. He wanted to hide away.

"Don't be," Itadori said, looking at Megumi hiding his face.

"What are we?" Itadori asked.


"Can I be your boyfriend, Yuji?"

Itadori smiled at this.

"Of course, Megumi." Itadori and Megumi then leaned in for another kiss.

The two talked for a bit before packing their bags in their own rooms. They were both a blushing mess the whole time.  Itadori had already finished packing his bag when he heard footsteps walking down the hallway. The steps stopped outside his door and came in.

"You ready?" Gojo asked, wearing a tacky beach shirt and black jorts. Behind him was a shiny black suitcase packed to the brim.

"Yep!" Itadori exclaimed - he was genuinely excited for this trip. On the other hand, Megumi was wishing he wasn't going at all. 

"Let's go!" Gojo gestured for Itadori to follow him.


The first and second years all stood at the bottom of the hill, the parching sun making the wait for Gojo not any better. They were all waiting for him because he said he had forgotten something 20 minutes ago. Itadori looked around at everyone's luggage and saw Nobara with three large suitcases.

"Nobara why do you need three suitcases?" Itadori was holding his laughter in.

"Why can't you mind your own business?!" She yelled back at him, irritated enough by the heat.

"He has a point, Nobara" Maki added. Nobara sighed. 

"Sorry for the wait!" Gojo appeared out of nowhere. They all turned towards him in unison.

"Bonito flakes?!" Inumaki asked.

"Nothing, anyway." Gojo's excuse irked everyone.

"Since I'm the best teacher ever, I will let you guys choose whether or not you want to catch the bullet train or go by car." 

"I want to go there by the train!" Itadori emitted loudly.

"I'll go with Yuji," Megumi said. This made Itadori smile.

"Tuna mayo...kelp?" Inumaki questioned.

"I'll join you in the car as well, Inumaki," Panda said. Maki also agreed that she would go by car.

"I'm joining you as well. There is no way I could put up with Itadori whining every five minutes." Nobara affirmed. 

 "That settles it! I'll get Ijichi to drive you guys and I'll take you two to the train station. " Gojo cheered.

"How will you get there?" Panda asked as he tilted his head to the side.

"I'm meeting you all there tomorrow. I need to help out Nanami." Gojo's tone changed. Itadori's gut feeling that something bad happened was probably right.


The four of them left shortly in the black car Ijichi was driving - the AC fully blasted making Megumi and Itadori jealous, until they stepped foot in the underground train station. The two of them sat next to each other on a bench, waiting patiently for their train. The lively chatter around them had replaced Gojo's prattle - he was talking about some black-haired man that he used to have a relationship with and how it reminded him of them. Itadori was weirded out and wasn't listening, but Megumi was used to it due to Gojo ranting about it to him over 50 times. 

Itadori, having a dead phone, was left to look at the vibrant posters that were hung up in between the trains and them. He felt tired all of a sudden and shut his eyes briefly. Almost a second later, an announcement said that their train would be arriving shortly. Megumi got up first and glanced at Itadori. He leant out his hand to help him stand up.


end -  

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