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Hi, everyone!

It's been a second. Whether you're an old follower who remembers my old fanfiction (Forgotten- the one about Trance, the NightWing hatched under an eclipse), or a new reader, welcome to Wings of Fire: Terror of Talons!

This story takes place in the late 5100s, starting in 5189 AS. I haven't really decided exactly when it ends yet, but I'm thinking about five years after it starts or so.

This story will contain more 'mature' themes like war, violence, and dark thoughts, but it's nothing that isn't already presented in the canon books.

In order to fully understand the plot of this story, it is important to briefly know the events leading up to it, so I will provide a simplified timeline of Pyrrhia's history between the end of book 10 (Darkness of Dragons) and this one. Please note that since I don't particularly care for Arc 3 or Pantala, this story is sort of an AU in which Pantala is simply not involved at all.

- 5065; Assassination of Queen Glory
Queen Glory is assassinated by Pitviper, who launches the rapid militarization of the RainWing tribe.

- 5083; Treaty of the Banyan Tree
Official NightWing secession from and the formation of an alliance with the RainWings.

- 5077-5083; War of the Claws of the Clouds Mountains
Assassination of Prince Aculeus of the SandWings during the Sand/Sky Treaty of the Great Five-Tail River, which was supposed to distribute disputed land in the CotC Mountains. The SandWings declare war on SkyWings; results in countless dead and no clear victors. The Treaty of Sanctuary divides some of the land and requires the SkyWing Kingdom to pay the SandWings a hefty amount of gold.

- 5101-5107; Rattlesnake's War
Sparked by Rattlesnake of the SandWing's conquest to expand SandWing territory past the Great Five-Tail River and into the SkyWing-owned Claws of the Clouds Mountains. Resulted in a Sand-Mud victory and a Sky loss.

-   5142-5151 Rain-Mud War of Expansion
War over unclaimed territory East of the Claws of the Clouds Mountains. Usage of gunpowder weapons in war for the first time (cannons and grenades) (gunpowder is canon in the Wings of Fire universe- fireworks are mentioned in Darkstalker's book, so I don't want to hear it). No clear outcome; resulted in the Treaty of the Winding Tail River, in which both kingdoms split up the land between themselves.  No land nor payment was given to the SkyWings, who had heavily aided the MudWings in troops and weapons. This fed into the dropping economy of the SkyWing Kingdom.

At this point in Pyrrhia's history, 'clothing' is used by some dragons, but really, it's just a luxury accessible mainly to royalty and nobility and some politicians. I put clothing in quotation marks because it's not really clothes per-say, it's more so accessories like fur coats and sashes. I mention this because uniforms of Pyrrhia's army may be brought up in the story, which brings me to my next point.

Military rankings will be used in this story, but since I'm not very well-versed in army stuff, I've simplified it down to four roles, for simplicity's sake.
-    General (differentiated by having a bicorne/tricorne/sash, depending on the tribe)
-    Colonel (differentiated by having two epaulettes)
-    Lieutenant (differentiated by having one epaulette)
-    Private (none)
NightWings are an exception to the uniform rules.
There are two groups of alliances in the war: The Winged Coalition and the Triple-Claw Alliance (Double-Claw after 5192).
Below, I have attached images of the typical General's uniform of each tribe.

Below, I have attached images of the typical General's uniform of each tribe

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Also- I've given each tribe a flag, in case that interests anyone

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Also- I've given each tribe a flag, in case that interests anyone. They'll probably be referenced in passing in the story.

From left to right, top to bottom: SeaWing, SkyWing, SandWing, RainWing, NightWing, IceWing, MudWing

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From left to right, top to bottom: SeaWing, SkyWing, SandWing, RainWing, NightWing, IceWing, MudWing

Continue reading the next couple of chapters for more basic information about the book. Happy reading, and thank you for checking out Terror of Talons! I hope you enjoy my silly little OCs as much as I do :)


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