A Guide to the Dragons of Pyrrhia

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SkyWingsRuler: Queen MarkhorAlliance: The Winged Coalition (SandWings, MudWings, IceWings)

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Ruler: Queen Markhor
Alliance: The Winged Coalition (SandWings, MudWings, IceWings)

Ruler: Queen Lamprey, King Sawshark
Alliance: The Triple-Claw Alliance (RainWings, NightWings)

Ruler: Queen Mamba
Alliance: The Winged Coalition (SkyWings, MudWings, IceWings)

Ruler: Queen Tigress
Alliance: The Triple-Claw Alliance (SeaWings, NightWings)

Ruler: Council of Moons (Councilors Duskweaver, Paradox, and Morrowsong)
Alliance: The Triple-Claw Alliance (SeaWings, RainWings)

Ruler: Queen Sitatunga
Alliance: The Winged Coalition (SkyWings, SandWings, IceWings)

Ruler: Queen Crevasse
Alliance: The Winged Coalition (SkyWings, SandWings, MudWings)

Important notes on the rulers of Pyrrhia

Queen Markhor is known for spending large sums of treasure on her lavish lifestyle and excessively taxing the common SkyWings to support her spending, not lifting a talon to aid her severely struggling tribe. She is very highly disliked by essentially any SkyWing that isn't filthy rich.

Queen Lamprey is a cruel, ruthless queen. The SeaWing tribe has been ruled by both a queen and a king, both with equal power, for around three generations. However, this precedent does not seem to apply to Lamprey and her husband, Sawshark, a former general who is seen as a weak pawn who quietly obeys her every order.

Queen Mamba is very popular among her subjects. During her rule, she has organized a huge increase in architecture, studies of astronomy and mathematics, literature, and has almost entirely eliminated poverty. Due to this, she is often referred to as Queen Mamba the Illuminator. She is very closely allied with Queen Crevasse of the IceWings, and both tribes greatly aid each other in intellectual and cultural progression. The SandWings currently are the most prosperous of the tribes, and for this reason, they are largely staying out of conflict.

Queen Tigress is known for continuing the militarization of the tribe that the last queen, Queen Pitviper enacted after the assassination of Queen Glory. The RainWings currently have the most powerful military strength of Pyrrhia.

The NightWing Kingdom has been ruled by a group of three to five dragons known as the Council of Moons ever since their secession from the RainWings. To become a Councilor, the dragon must attend rigorous training before becoming Advisors, and from the Advisors, Councilors are chosen. Councilors rule together and equally; Advisors and Councilors meet every full moon to discuss tribal and continental issues.

Queen Sitatunga is known for being a just and fair ruler to her own tribe. However, she is also known for being extremely slippery with her alliances, often siding with whichever side offers the most treasure. She is the oldest queen in Pyrrhia, has been ruling since 5083 and has therefore ruled for Pyrrhia's last two wars. The MudWings have the second strongest military in Pyrrhia.

Queens Crevasse and Mamba are very close allies, and they have both greatly aided each other in rapidly advancing their tribes. The IceWings are going through a similar period of intellectual and cultural renovation as the SandWings. However, she is known to be indecisive and easily swayed by Queen Mamba. Rumors that she is a weak, cowardly ruler who is only a puppet for Mamba circulate among tribes outside the Ice and Sand kingdoms.

 Rumors that she is a weak, cowardly ruler who is only a puppet for Mamba circulate among tribes outside the Ice and Sand kingdoms

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