Chapter Twelve

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Shrike was awoken abruptly before dawn by a firm knock on his door. Blinking groggily, he saw a servant enter, the torches that illuminated the halls outside his room flickering shadows across his bedroom walls.

"Colonel Shrike," the servant said with a respectful bow, "you are to depart for the Diamond Spray Delta in an hour. Your new uniform is in the closet."

Shrike nodded, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The weight of responsibility settled heavily on his shoulders as he swung himself over the side of the bed. His mind was still foggy from the dream he had about Hereafter and her new (Well, not entirely new, just new to me, he remembered), ominous, unfinished prophecy. He thanked the servant, who bowed once more and left the room quietly.

Rising to his talons, Shrike opened his closet to find a freshly pressed uniform hanging neatly inside. The pristine, marble-white fabric felt heavy in his talons. A symbol of the immense duty that's been thrust upon me, he thought wryly. The red collar of the uniform was embroidered with an elaborate, golden pattern, like climbing vines and twisting swirls of the wind. He dressed quickly, the uniform fitting snugly around his scales.

As he strapped a small pouch around his side to store a few weapons and items of food, a pang of guilt struck him. He wouldn't have time to have breakfast with Condor. Quietly, he made his way to Condor's room and peeked inside. Condor was fast asleep, his breathing steady and peaceful. Shrike didn't have the heart to wake him.

Instead, he found a piece of parchment and scribbled a quick note:

I'm off to the Diamond Spray Delta. Didn't want to wake you. Be safe. I'll see you soon.

He placed the note on his bedside table and slipped out of the room, closing the door softly behind him.

Outside, the sky was still dark, with the first light of dawn just starting to creep over the horizon. Shrike made his way to the courtyard, where Colonel Puma was waiting, her expression as stern and unreadable as ever. Her eyes swept over Shrike, taking in his new uniform- the same as hers, minus a few medals- with a critical gaze.

"Good, you're here," Puma said curtly. "We have a long journey ahead. You will be leading a wing of a hundred dragons. Make sure they are ready."

Shrike nodded, the weight of his responsibility settling more heavily on his shoulders by the second. He moved to join his wing, a hundred SkyWings assembled and ready for departure. Eighty-five privates, and fifteen lieutenants, with five or six privates each, he recalled. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. He had never led such a large group before, and the mere premise of it was daunting.

Puma took to the sky first, her wing of dragons following in perfect formation. Shrike watched her for a moment before spreading his own wings and taking flight, his dragons rising to join him. They flew in silence, the early morning air cool and crisp against Shrike's scales.

As the sun began to rise, casting golden hues across the sky, Shrike glanced back at his wing. The SkyWings were flying in a neat formation, their expressions a mix of resolve and determination and nervousness. He could feel the same mixture of emotions within himself, the burden of their mission pressing down on him. What am I getting myself into? I can't possibly be cut out for this. He tried as hard as he could to not think about Chimaera. He's the enemy now. Stop thinking about him.

The journey to the Diamond Spray Delta was long and arduous. They flew over rolling hills, dense forests, and winding rivers. The sun climbed higher in the sky, and the landscape below shifted and changed. Shrike maintained his focus, guiding his wing with careful precision.

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