Chapter Five

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One week later, the pre-dawn light cast long shadows across the courtyard of the SkyWing palace. A nervous energy crackled in the air as the delegation gathered, the rhythmic thrumming of distant drums blending together with the excited chatter. Shrike stood beside Princess Cathartes, his gray scales shimmering faintly in the pale light as his stomach churned with a familiar mix of apprehension and anticipation.

His gaze swept over the assembled group. Prince Ptarmigan, his face etched with stoic determination, adjusted the set of gold chains adorning his neck. Prince Condor bounced from talon to talon, a mischievous glint in his amber eyes that contrasted sharply with the seriousness of the occasion. The diplomats, Ibex and Alpine, stood stoic and imposing, their weathered faces etched with the lines of countless negotiations.

The journey to the SeaWing Kingdom was a daunting prospect. A voyage into the kingdom that bore his father wasn't something that Shrike was sure that he was exactly ready for, but as he met Cathartes's gaze, a spark ignited within him. He wouldn't let his fear cloud his judgment. Protecting Cathartes was his duty, and he would not falter.

Queen Markhor emerged from the palace, her ruby-red scales and innumerable amethyst jewels catching the first rays of the rising sun. Her regal bearing commanded immediate attention. Silence descended upon the courtyard as she addressed the delegation.

"Remember," her voice boomed, echoing off the palace walls, "this is a delicate mission. We must present a united front and navigate these political waters with the utmost diplomacy. The future of our kingdom hinges on the success of this endeavor. I will see you all again when you return in five days. I expect a fully detailed report on everything upon your arrival back."

The two princes and advisors, as well as Shrike, dipped their heads accordingly, acknowledging the Queen's order.

Cathartes, a mix of excitement and apprehension swirling in her golden eyes, glanced up at Shrike. "We'll be fine, Shrike, right? This is going to be, like, super fun! I heard that the SeaWing Island Palace has blue crystals that look just like the ocean," she said, barely able to contain her excitement.

Three moons, I wish I had her obliviousness. Shrike managed a reassuring smile. "We'll be fine, Princess. We have a strong team, and we're prepared for anything." I hope.

With powerful beats of their wings, the delegation soared into the rising dawn sky. The familiar landscape of the SkyWing Kingdom stretched out beneath them, a tapestry of winding rivers, emerald forests, and bustling marketplaces. A pang of nostalgia tugged at Shrike's heart as he looked down at the humble village where he grew up, nothing compared to the grandeur of the palace he was leaving behind.

As they flew, the rhythmic beat of their wings became a comforting lullaby as the delegation maintained a tight formation. The journey would take several days, and Shrike knew they had to be vigilant- the skies beyond the borders of the SkyWing Kingdom held unknown dangers that Shrike wasn't so sure that he was ready for.

He stole a glance at Cathartes, who seemed enthralled by the journey. Her head swiveled back and forth, taking in the vastness of the world below. Their flying sessions had seemed to have helped, Shrike noted with a hint of pride. Every now and then, the princess would falter a little, but for the most part, she seemed to have gotten the hang of it.

"Shrike," she called out, her voice barely audible over the wind whipping past their ears, "have you ever been to the SeaWing Kingdom before?"

Shrike shook his head. "No, Princess. This will be my first time."

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