Chapter Six

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The grand SeaWing councilroom was an architectural marvel, its walls adorned with intricate carvings of oceanic life and shimmering coral formations. The high ceiling was supported by columns that appeared to be made of translucent crystal, allowing the sunlight to filter through and cast ethereal patterns on the polished marble floor. At the center of the room, a massive table made from a single slab of blue jade dominated the space, surrounded by pristine opal seats for the attendees.

Queen Lamprey sat at the head of the table, her regal presence commanding the attention of everyone in the room. To her right and left were Prince Kodymirus and Prince Leviathan, both exuding a quiet strength, and her advisors, Hatchetfish, Jayakar, and Six-Gill were arranged strategically around the table, their expressions serious and attentive. The SkyWing delegation took their seats opposite their hosts.

"Thank you for joining us," Queen Lamprey began, her voice smooth and authoritative. "Our kingdoms have much to discuss, particularly regarding the rising tensions between the RainWings and the MudWings. The stability of our kingdoms are at risk, and it is imperative that we address these issues with the utmost care and diplomacy."

Hatchetfish, a slender, paradise-green SeaWing with dark, keen eyes, leaned forward. "The RainWings have sent us threats in the past, though they have yet to make any direct attacks on our kingdom. Their grievances seem to be primarily with the MudWings, but the volatility of the situation concerns us all," they mused, their voice laced with a smooth accent that Shrike had never heard before.

The warm violet SeaWing, Jayakar, nodded in agreement. Similarly to the King, she, too, wore a military uniform. However, she did not have the telltale striped sash that SeaWing generals bore, and Shrike realized that she must have been a colonel. "The MudWings have also refrained from attacking us, but history shows that they won't hesitate to come for us soon. Their skirmishes can quickly escalate and draw other kingdoms into the conflict, which we must avoid at all costs."

Prince Ptarmigan spoke up, his voice skillfully reflecting the SeaWings' tonality. "We share your concerns. The SkyWing Kingdom values peace and stability in our region. What can we do to help mediate this situation?"

Queen Lamprey's gaze swept over the SkyWing delegation before landing on Cathartes, her eyes narrowing slightly. "A dragonet in a council of experienced leaders," she said with a sneer, completely dismissing Ptarmigan. "Perhaps the SkyWing Kingdom doesn't take these matters as seriously as we do."

Shrike felt his stomach churn with a mix of anger and embarrassment for Cathartes. Why is she changing the subject? He took a steadying breath before speaking up, carefully making sure to maintain a cool, steady tone. "Your Majesty, Princess Cathartes may be young, but she is here because she represents the future of our kingdom."

Queen Lamprey's eyes bore into Shrike with a steely intensity. "Let us hope her insights are more mature than her years suggest," she said curtly, turning her attention back to the council.

"Regarding the negotiations," Alpine interjected, attempting to steer the conversation back on track, "perhaps a neutral ground for negotiations could be arranged, with representatives from our kingdoms present to facilitate discussions and ensure a fair process. While we are currently in an alliance with the MudWing Kingdom, war is a last resort, and holding meetings within kingdoms may be interpreted as siding with a potential enemy."

Queen Lamprey's eyes narrowed further. "Neutral ground is unnecessary. The negotiations will be held here, under our supervision. This ensures that discussions remain focused and productive. We will not allow for distractions or manipulations by other parties."

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