Chapter Ten

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It was not long after Shrike had arrived back in the SkyWing Kingdom that the SeaWings had officially issued a decree, proclaiming their new alliance with the RainWings and a formal declaration of war on the SkyWings.

It wasn't necessarily that Shrike wasn't expecting it, especially given the two cryptic visits in his dreams with the NightWing prophet, but that certainly did not make him feel any less sick regarding the matter. The weight of the prophecies she had delivered haunted his every thought, and he couldn't figure out if it was better or worse that she hadn't been in his dreams since the night before Queen Lamprey's assassination.

As he lay in his bed, staring up at the ornate ceiling of his room, he couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in his chest. Queen Markhor's excessive spending on luxuries, despite the declaration of war, only added to his building anxiety. The SkyWing Kingdom was suffering, its common citizens struggling while Queen Markhor continued to host lavish parties and squander resources that could be used to bolster their underfunded military. It's simply ridiculous, he thought to himself, rubbing his temples. It's like she has no idea what goes on outside of the palace.

Just as Shrike was beginning to once again lose himself in his troubling thoughts, there was a firm knock at his door. He sat up quickly, straightening his posture and adjusting his spectacles, trying to clear his mind. "Come in," he called, coughing twice after speaking, peering over the lenses of his glasses at the door.

A servant entered, bowing respectfully. "Colonel Shrike, Queen Markhor requests your presence immediately."

"Thank you, I'll be on my way immediately," he said in a tired, listless tone, with the predictability of a wound-up clock. Sheer habit seemed to dictate what he was saying these days; his thoughts were often elsewhere and he did not have the willpower to dedicate an additional effort into making conversation. But then Shrike thought again about what the servant had said, and his brow furrowed in confusion. "Colonel? There must be some mistake. I'm not a colonel."

"The Queen has bestowed this title upon you as of this morning, sir," the servant replied, her tone respectful but firm. "She awaits you in her throne room."

Bewildered, Shrike dressed quickly, his mind racing. As he made his way to the queen's chambers, he couldn't help but think of Chimaera (despite his best efforts to remain focused on the much larger and important issues at hand). The image of the SeaWing lingered in his mind, distracting him from the reality of his situation- he remembered their walk on the beach, the way the bioluminescent water had glowed around them, the way it had cast an ethereal light on Chimaera's scales. There had been something between them, a connection that Shrike couldn't quite define but felt deeply. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his snout. I really do need to stop thinking about that. There are much more pressing matters at the moment.

He arrived at the queen's chambers, pushing thoughts of Chimaera aside as he entered. Queen Markhor was seated on her throne, her expression one of regal impatience. She was dressed in opulent silks, her golden crown inlaid with amethysts glinting in the light of the many chandeliers overhead.

"Your Majesty," Shrike said, bowing low. "You requested my presence?"

"Ah, Shrike," Queen Markhor said, her voice carrying the same weight of authority that it always did. "I've decided to enlist you in the army. You are now a colonel. I am sure that the servant told you, correct?"

 "Your Majesty, I have no military experience. I'm not fit for such a role," Shrike said carefully, the tip of his tail twitching nervously.

"Nonsense," the Queen replied sharply, leaving no room for argument. That single word held a great weight of authority and control. "You are loyal and brave. That's all the experience you need. You have served well enough as Princess Cathartes's bodyguard; now, you are needed elsewhere."

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