Chapter 2 - The Hospital

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        The air began to change, its warm evening breeze becoming more frigid and ominous as if the world itself could somehow sense the dread looming over the Lhant's and the young boys who were becoming more and more confused by the second.  They dashed across the somewhat empty car park to the entrance of the hospital, greeted by white walls and the faint smell of sterilisation products.

"Mum where are we" Tyler moaned his mothers grasp still tight around his wrist

"The hospital Tyler, we're in the hospital" Tears begin to flood Alice's eyes. She releases the boys from her grasp and nonchalantly wipes the tears from her eyes keeping her voice as composed as possible trying not to alarm the evermore becoming worried kids. Charlie meanwhile hurries himself over to the reception desk. Peering over looking for any nurse -

"Uhm excuse me, We're here to see-" Charlie's voice suddenly becomes shrill and quiet realising the boys are mere inches from him able to hear every word he utters. "We're here to see the Fullers" he whispers to the short stocky blonde nurse now searching the computer for the ward and details. 

"Of course, the child services are upstairs already waiting" She smiles and gestures toward the stairs. "first door to your left on the third floor, go right on in you can't miss them" she pauses reading more into the details of the patients. She gasps and looks up to Charlie, her stature coming no where near his height. "I'm so sorry" she shrieks still shocked by the report. 

"Thank you" Charlie's sombre words rang hollow, his best friends were dying and to make matters worse he had knew all to well he was going to be explaining the situation to the kids, the doctors wouldn't be patient enough or subtle and calm enough for a child to listen too, not properly anyway. It was down to him. 

This place smells funny, no one has said anything either.. I wonder how Joe is doing...

 "mum why are we here?" "I thought this was where people that are ill come?" "Why is everyone quiet?" Tyler's barrage of questions caught his mum of guard as they gently pushed open the doors. Alice lost all control as she caught a glimpse of Hank and Jules, their battered and bruised bodies cleaned of all blood from the multiple gashes and scrapes. A nurse quickly rushed to her side to comfort her. Joe screams, having taken a few more strides forward with Charlie, the horror in his gaze as his now tearful soft hazel eyes fall upon his parents..

"hh...Hey...Son" can be heard emanating from the corpse like figure of frank, mortified Joe falls to the floor, confused and angry and just about everything else he begins to fume and go bright red, at this point now balling his eyes out and shrieking. Tyler rushes to his friends side sliding and falling next to him he laughs in a joke like manner trying to distract his friend from the evident pain almost instinctual - like a lioness protecting her cub. It was no use. finally Tyler asks what everyone needed to hear. 

"WHAT 'S GOING ON?! Joe is crying, mum is crying, dad isn't talking like he usually does and there are SCARY people coming through the door" he exclaims.

"Tyler. Please. Not. Now" he is stopped dead in his tracks Charlie now at full volume standing confidently. He had managed to speak to Hank before he drifted back into his unconscious state amidst the yelling and crying. "I need to speak to those people and get some things sorted, I promise I will explain later, all right bud? Now you better give that best friend of yours a hug" Charlie manages to form a slight smile contaminated with guilt and new found confidence to deal with the situation. Tyler picks himself of the floor and embraces Joe with the innocence and warmth of his youth both trembling albeit for different reasons. Alice too decides to join the boys encompassing them both in her arms and resting her head on Joe's her breath faint and calming.

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