Chapter 7 - Making it work.

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                                      "So uhm, don't you find it funny?" Ty was holding a small pen to the sunlight, checking for bite marks. "Find what funny? Get on with your essay by the way, don't wanna bring that home AGAIN!" Joe added a heavy emphasis on again, his now deep booming voice commanding his obedient partner to continue writing. "Well, that if anyone really knew about us they'd freak out.. Mum and dad the most. But when you think about it. They've been pushing us together since we were born." It was odd, Joe had never really considered that, did their parents want their kids together? In the literal sense. Who was expected to be the girl? Joe cackled, causing a scowl from the teacher, Mr. House. "You're right.. It is a bit odd, but we also don't really know if they'd freak. I don't hear writing either." Joe tapped on the desk calling for Ty's attention. "Yes sir" Ty saluted in a mock manner before putting his pen to the paper and writing, it had been a week since their revelation, and no one knew they were actually a couple, though it was probably obvious. Only their form had heard the actual confession to both the boys being gay, and even then they didn't confirm they were a couple. 

"Done" Ty remarked. "No way, you can't be finished already, you've only been writing for ten minutes." Joe was astonished. "It's only a thousand words right? Easy!". "It's a load of bullshit isn't it?" Joe peered trying to peek at Ty's work. "It might be, but hey if I get a grade like last time who the hell cares.". Joe grunted still writing his own paper. "Five more minutes" Tyler had at this point placed his mouth almost directly on Joe's ears, he words somehow mesmerizing and seductive. "Do you mind, I'm trying to write and you're blatantly trying to get me do this as homework". "Me? Never!" the sarcasm carried in his voice, causing Joe to mutter under his breath. "Besides, you do all your homework the night you get it meaning you'd ignore me, and let's be honest I don't want that." Tyler's attitude and confidence had spiked, only a week into his life changing relationship. It was as if some unwritten law of gay couples caused you to become sappy, on top of his natural sarcasm it was an acquired taste, one the Joe very much so had. "Tic, toc, tic, toc... Ouch!" Tyler bit his lip checking his hand for marks. "Shut up or I'll stab you with the pen next time.". 

"What the hell bully!" ready to retaliate the bell began to toll across the school. "Done, thank god. No thanks to you." Tyler just stuck his tongue out handing his essay to Joe ready to be handed to Mr. House as they left. "Right now let's go home." Joe grabbed Tyler's arm, his black school jumper wrinkling and stretching as Joe's hand tugged.

                    "DAMMIT!" Tyler slammed his foot on the doorstep. "Keys again?" Joe chuckled lightly. "You have a wallet and a chain, why are they not on them?" Just to prove his point Joe had produced his own keys, attached to a similar chain and wallet. "Cause my wallet is always empty" Tyler looked down. the door swung open, letting light into the abandoned entrance, where there was a small decorated note. 'Boys, we have gone to a spa for the weekend, the fridge is full. Eat sensible please. Also, Dad would like you to check the bag in the living room, he wanted to do it in person but it was too awkward for him, plus he didn't really know where to begin, so we thought we would give you both some space to talk to each other, admit a few things.' - P.S Joe, I know you're the one reading this as Tyler raids the fridge. Make sure he doesn't cause any trouble please. X x x x x Charlie and Alice'

You can tell Alice had prepared the note, it was from her favourite pad, each page had a pink floral rose pattern spreading from the corner up the sides. But what could she have possibly meant by too awkward for Charlie? The man had dealt with two individual cases of his kids coming out. What was more awkward for a straight father than that?. "What's the note say J". "Did you just call me J? Never in a thousand years have you called me J" more stunned than anything, why it had never occurred to be called J. "Yeah you like it?" Tyler winked. "You get to call me Ty, so I get to call you J". Joe face palmed.. "Tyler we call you Ty because it's shorthand for your name.. Joe is already the short hand for mine..". "Good point.. But we never call you Joseph and you never get in trouble with dad so it doesn't really count.". "What ever, anyway the note said the fridge is filled with food the for the week end, and me and you need to check the bag in the living room and confess things to each other?". "The fridge was full.." Tyler's words slurped as he chewed on a sausage roll. "Can't take an eye off you for more than a minute. That food has to last remember.". "You calling me fat? Mr. Twig" Tyler's words were silly and hollow, But Joe still taking offence at being called a twig pounced on Ty, forcing them both to tumble to the floor. 

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