Chapter 8 - The Counsellor.

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Silence, the nothingness of the void sat upon the house, Ty and Joe who were still asleep had split from each other, the heat of their embrace causing them both to sweat horrendously. Tyler had a happy, goofy smile while he slept, his lengthy black hair reaching just above his eyes, sitting in what could only be a rebellion atop his head. Joe was his usual self, straight position while sleeping without the company of Ty. The sunlight beamed through the bottom of the curtain creating a solid beam, like a death laser in some James Bond movie creeping slowly to the target, in this case Tyler's face.

Alice and Charlie pulled up outside the house, they had taken Alice's car as it was a tad quieter than Charlie's, knowing the boys would likely still be asleep when the couple returned. "I hope everything went well" Charlie pulled a black, rigid suitcase containing their clothes from the car. "I'm sure they are fine, There's no way they would keep a secret like that from each other for long." Alice smiled, pulling the car into the garage, by this point Charlie had retreated for the door, slowly rummaging in his pocket for his key. "Yeah, you're right. But I'm still curious why those two weren't talking for those few weeks." Charlie had a puzzled look on his face. "Hey Alice, you didn't leave the boy's washing basket downstairs when we left did you?" - "No, why?" That was all Charlie had needed to hear, the boys had little washing meaning it was probably something they wanted to keep secret. "That's Joe's laundry" Alice, who had peered into the basket replies. "Better put it in the tumble" Muttering as she pulled the damp washing out of the basket. "Hmmph, a sheet and some underwear" Alice's face had gone bright red. "Best not mention it to him" Charlie suggested.

Shit shit shit shit. the washing is still downstairs.. Crap better go get it before Alice and Charlie come home. Man that would be awkward. Joe giggled to himself, feeling awkward already now that the high of last night had come down, he wanted to avoid Ty for a little while. Booming down the stairs in his dressing gown, Joe's face dropped when he was greeted by Alice and Charlie in the kitchen.. "It's in the tumble" Charlie had said, not wanting Alice to speak for fear of causing Joe too much embarrassment. "So?" He continued. "Did everything go well?". "What do you mean? Go well?" Joe was puzzled by the question. Nothing could have gone wrong, not that they knew anything. "Did you talk to Ty, you know. Sort things out.". "Oh yeah, we both know. How could we not. we are best friends you know" Joe had laughed trying to lighten the mood. "And you read all the booklets?". "Yeah we spent most of Friday evening and Yesterday checking them out..". "Thank god." the relief in Charlie's stubble ridden face was immense. "Dodged a bullet on that one" The two had managed a light hearted chuckle. "So you want to tell me about the washing?" Charlie winked, as if implying something. "Nope. Boy stuff." Joe quickly added. "I'll uh, be going back upstairs.".

"HOLD IT." Alice had chimed in, demanding Joe wait. "What was all that ignoring about a few weeks ago? Panicking Joe had to quickly formulate a reason, he couldn't lie. No that was far to bad. Perhaps if he just, distorted the truth a little.

"Well." Joe paused as if ready to tell a fable of epic magnitude. "Basically. I. I done something he didn't like, he didn't know how to react and I felt really bad and we couldn't talk about it because neither of us were ready to discuss it." Joe had managed to speak in about five seconds. "What?" Charlie was trying to repeat the sentence in his head. "Oh." he added. "I think I got it.".

Crap does he know I kissed Ty?! Oh no.. This is the end of my life. Did he you know, repeat that embarrassing moment you two had a few years back? Charlie had now lost all self control belting his laugh around the room. Breathing with sighs of relief, "Yeah that's what happened.". "Why didn't you just come talk to us?" Both Alice and Charlie at this point had joined together in their stand to comfort the boy. "Cause well, you know, we are fifteen, it's embarrassing." Joe had now vaulted up the stairs not waiting for any more responses. That was close.. Ty would kill me for sure if I had managed to reveal our secret.. But now I feel even more guilty.. I didn't Lie. I just didn't tell the truth.

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