Chapter 3 - July, 22nd.

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                The morning was unusual, compared to most the boys thought. It was the last day of school, non-uniform at that and yet they were being forced into neat tailored suits. Though the boys were not happy about this they both looked very handsome in their matching grey suits. Tailored grey silky trousers, a short sleeved white button up shirt adorned with an adorable clip on bow-tie and covered partially with and undone waist-coat. The pair looked at each other and nodded, Tyler swooped Joe's hand into his own. - A defence mechanism the two had established for comfort, as Joe was clearly struggling with recent events and Tyler being sweet and soft natured as it was.

"Time to go boys" Alice yelled, greeted with a very satisfactory "and done" from Charlie, as the boys had decided he was the only one allowed to confront the boys while they were getting changed, bathed or any other odd circumstance that would put them in an awkward 'no clothing' situation. Logan too marched down the stairs dressed similar to the younger boys, his trousers were black also tailored, he wore a darker grey shirt and had a full length overcoat on, and a purple and black striped tie. Charlie and Alice, still wearing casual clothes had time to prepare, the boys were so unnecessarily dressed because they had insisted on still going to school, before attending the funeral for Joe's parents. Joe had decided that after today, after he had said good bye, he was going to start a new life.

Once again the family clambered into the black Toyota Surf, embarking on their adventure to school. The car was warm as the sun had been shining since six in the morning and the black seats seemed to have absorbed alot of heat. Joe and Tyler were both pink and starting to sweat, probably because Logan seemed to be taking two seats to himself forcing Joe and Tyler to be crushed on the one seat. The world seemed so surreal as the trees and colour and sky all melded into one as the car rushed, time seemed to halt for Joe, he was anxious and rightly so. Charlie and Alice were unsure of whether or not Joe truly understood what was happening - He did, at the very least he knew no more parents. But he didn't understand how to feel.

            The morning of school had gone by fast, the kids avoiding the attention of Tyler and Joe who had sat most of the morning in the corner, creating their own little bubble of reality, Mr Kerridge had soon interrupted and redirected anyone heading towards the boys, for the school had been informed of the situation, and even though they agreed it was best the boys still participated in attending school, they were not prepared to force anything out of the duo. The class room was cluttered with paintings, art projects, questionable clay models coats, pens the lot. It was the last day and by this point it was boiling, the sun in it's vivid yellow and crimson red imposing stature had decided to peak at 23 degrees Celsius. The bell for break tolled, the interim break bell was rung by a hand bell, the distinctive chime led to a marinading crowd of children rushing through the halls to break. Joe and Tyler remained motionless staring out the window in their corner. Their faces had gone from a blushed pink to a pale ghostly white, the boys were escorted to the office by Mr. Kerridge who quickly signed them out and handed them to Alice who was standing firm, her 5 foot 7 inches looming tall over the boys, her dress was basic with no decorations, it was however silky. Her soft brunette hair was wrapped into a bun and tucked into a dark black summer hat. She was dressed for the funeral. They stumbled outside to the car where to the boys confusion they were not greeted by Charlie's big black truck, instead they were greeted by a crimson Qashqai. This was Alice's car, it was just rarely used because both her and Charlie worked in the same place, managing their company they rarely needed to go separate places. 

"Charlie has gone to get Logan, he'll met us at the funeral" Alice said with an air of disappointment. "The boys shrugged and climbed into the cool air conditioned car, sitting still close together hands intertwined, "It's going to be OK" Tyler directs his booming encouragement towards Joe who's face was growing paler by the minute.

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