Chapter 6 - Sweet Dreams.

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It had been a few weeks since the kiss, both boys had all but completely ignored each other, sitting separate sides of Mark and Jake in school, sitting silently in the car ride to school, sitting in their rooms all evening never sitting in the same room for more than 5 minutes unless they were forced.

"What's going on with the boys" Alice had asked Charlie. "they haven't spoken to each other since their birthday. I figured they were just taking a break from each other but it's getting ridiculous now..

Tyler had sneaked into the kitchen, placing himself opposite his father, next to his mother. "Speak of the devil" Charlie spoke, his words calm. "Something you want to tell us Tyler Lhant?" Charlie never ushered the boys last names unless it was serious. "Can I talk to you alone dad?" Charlie peered over his shoulder, his eyes begging his mum to leave as they glazed over, watering at the thought. "Sure honey, I'll be in the living room if you need me" Alice hugged him, hauling herself off the chair and shutting the kitchen door. Joe was in the living room, TV turned off he was just sat legs folded on the floor by the window. Alice sat next to him giving him a hug and squeezing him. "Chin up, eh Joe. You're a strong lad" Her voice carried concern and love. Joe looked down. Still ashamed of his actions, he had destroyed his life. Meanwhile in the kitchen the discussion had taken more of a balanced stance, no longer one sided. "Dad, I think I'm gay" Charlie Grimaced, Only three weeks ago had Joe come to the same conclusion.. "I kissed another guy.. Well he kissed me.. But I". "You what Ty?" Charlie placed both his hands on the table tilting his head at his son who was looking down to his lap. "I didn't not like it.. I even kissed back". "I am gay aren't I" Charlie paused thinking to what Joe had explained trying to use his previous experience to help Ty determine. "Did you like the kiss" Charlie added, this was a little more awkward than last time. "Y.. Yeah, I guess I did. It made me feel good" That was all Charlie needed to hear, Tyler had clearly made his decision. "Well it doesn't matter to me or your mother, we will love you regardless". " You are going to be able to live with the oncoming embarrassment though right?" Charlie chuckled nudging his son from across the polished oak table. "What, I thought you said it didn't matter?" The tears had slowed as Ty managed to crack a smile. "Let's see, I still need to give you and Joe the talk." Tyler's heart pounded at the mention of Joe's name. It had clearly had an effect on him. "Oh god" Ty grimaced.. "That's going be awkward" Tyler shot up to his room.

Night had fallen on the neighbourhood, the house was silent.. Tyler had been thinking all night.. I'm gay I guess.. I mean, now that I think about it. I've never really thought about having a girlfriend, or even about girls in that way. The same could be said about me thinking about me ever having a boyfriend, but I'm a guy you don't generally think about that. Shit.. I crushed his heart, I've probably fucked up his confidence and everything. But I.. I want him.. I want that feeling I had when we kissed.. For everything to go away. I could no longer deny, I had been coveting his body since we were kids, I thought it was just because we were close.. But hell we always traded glances, I never thought his body was gross, or that I didn't want to see it.. I LOVE HIM! damn, what did I just think? I should talk to him.. We haven't spoken to each other in three weeks.. Does he still like me? Tyler had pulled out his phone. - Yo, you awake Joe? The text was sent.. "There is nothing more I can do at the moment." Tyler sighed his hand shaking, making the phone hard to focus on. *beep* Joe had replied. it was short. - Yeah. WHY? Tyler couldn't interpret the emotion through the message, but he had a feeling Joe was mad. Without any warning Tyler flung his phone on his bed and pulled his cover off. His body engulfed in darkness, you could still define his chubby shape. Tyler had made it to Joe's door, when a floorboard creaked, causing Joe to inspect the hallway.. "Uh hey" Tyler whispered waving a hand nonchalantly.. "Can I come in?". "I guess." Joe's response was short, he looked down and crawled back into his bed, pulling the tassel of the lamp on before he lay there motionless on his bed, face in his pillow. - he's upset, Tyler's head shrunk in shame. Following the actions of Joe as they spoke much clearer than words, Tyler crawled into the bed with him pulling the cover over the both of them. Tyler's head leant against his ear as he whispered. "I love you". "I love you" he muttered again making sure Joe heard him. *click* The light was turned off, Joe had faced Tyler.. "I'm so sorry, I was shocked.. I" Tyler was hushed by Joe's finger pressing against his lips. "You should be" Joe said, almost laughing.. "I love you too..". "In case that wasn't obvious. Joe had grabbed the waistband on Ty's pants pulling him closer, wrapping his arm around the chubby figure and shutting his eyes.. "That's all I get?" Tyler complained, "I came in here to confess my love for you, and you just go to sleep." Tyler had begun adding humour to his words, in hope of diffusing the building tension. Unsure of what to do next, he made his move. - that feeling, it's so intense. The room was spinning as Tyler instigated his kiss, letting what ever happens happen. The boys clumsily mashed their lips together when Joe, feeling brave slipped his tongue into Ty's mouth. It was weird, but Tyler returned the action, the boys now snogging. "Night." Joe, pulled back from the kiss and turned his back to Tyler, who stayed motionless.. "Really" Ty muttered, "You're useless at this". Joe pushed himself back, Tyler's groin pressing softly against Joe's back, Tyler placed his arms around Joe's torso and tucked his head into his shoulder. The two shapes soon merged into one.

Joe's alarm was loud, in his ear. Swatting Ty's arms off he slumped out of the bed. It was another school day, but this time things were great. He had his best friends back.. The boys, both dressed, carefully watching the other as they moved, admiring the bodies they had both declared love for.

Form had been quiet and dull, although today to everyone's surprise and much needed relief the the duo were sitting next to each other again, acting as though nothing had happened after the past weeks. - Well nothing had happened, except a kiss. - "Ahh so the happy couple has all made up then" It was Jake and Mark, their sarcasm was unrivalled. "What", Tyler shot up. "How did you know?" No sooner, than he had spoken, Joe had pulled him down to the desk glaring with a happy, yet angry snarl. "Remember no one even knows we are gay" he whispered carefully.. "Crap you're right" Tyler slunk back into his chair.. "We don't even know what we are".. "What are we?" Joe asked.

"uh guys, if you're gonna have a conversation at least include us" Jake pointed to himself then the rest of the class.. Joe nodded.. "You really want to know?" Joe shrugged looking to Tyler for his approval. He was met with a shaky uncertain nod. Accepting this as his lack of confidence Joe stood up. "Everyone." All had paused their individual conversations. Mrs Cooper too had also looked up. "Well, most of you probably thought this anyway. ME AND TY ARE GAY" Joe took his seat again, as the glass stared in shocked silence.. "That felt kinda good" Remarked Joe.

"That's a ballsy way to announce you're gay" Mark looked at Jake who had done something similar in his ninth year.

"So are you two a couple?" Abbie had asked, although still friends in the sense, they didn't hang out any more.

"We don't know" Tyler had found the courage to talk. "It's kinda new to us" he added. Blushing.

"Well as much as I hate to interrupt the theatrics, and congratulations to you two for admitting something life changing but the bell will be going in a minute so pack up."

The class packed up just in time for the bell as everyone left. Maths and English stood between the boys and lunch period.

"Ahhh Lunch the best lesson of the day" Joe smiled at Ty's words, dragging him onto the field. "Today's all about new experiences for you huh?" Ty chirped, the field was somewhere the boys never chose to go, of their own free will at least, searching for an empty place to sit. "There" Joe pointed. A decrepit looking willow tree, small and well kept. The boys rushed over, Tyler sitting with Joe soon hopping onto his lap. "Gee make yourself comfortable" Tyler blushed, not sure how to handle the sudden display of public affection, or the more extreme display, the two had always held hands in public not caring what others thought. "So what are we?" Joe asked. "What Abbie said in form got me thinking..". "I dunno.." Ty responded..

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Joe asked.

"Can I?" Tyler smiled.. Unsure if Joe was pulling his leg.

"I love you, but we also live together, What about mum and dad" Tyler continued his tone panicked and nervous..

"We won't tell them", "I love you too". Joe smiled and pecked Ty's cheek. I could get used to this , I feel like I'm on cloud nine, nothing is every gonna bother me all the way up here. "So?" Joe clicked his fingers dragging Ty out of his trance. "Will you be my boyfriend" Joe asked again this time more sincere. "Yeah" Ty responded, pulling his face close to Joe's, causing them to fall back on to the ground. "But. We can't let anyone outside of form know!" Joe nodded. The two embraced in the most passionate kiss of their lives yet. Tyler tasting Joe's soft lips, thumbling around in his mouth with his tongue. The excitement even sparked a rise out of Joe's groin a small tent forming in the seems of his trousers. They both giggled, not caring the the entire school could see them if they turned their heads.

The boys, had spoken to Charlie that evening, stating that Joe wanted to move back into Ty's room. Claiming that Charlie could convert the spare room into a room for guests or a game room. Charlie reluctantly agreed but just placed it down to the boys, wanting to be close again, not letting something like the three week silence as it was now being called by Alice and Charlie happen again. The boys, were thrilled. They could spend every night in the comfort of each others arms. As partners for life. The rest of the year was going to be great, school was easy, and any time either felt helpless or stranded they could retreat to the safety and magical feeling of their embrace, swirling emotions meant nothing to them. "I love you" Tyler softly whispered into Joe's ear as he wrapped his arms around the boys waist.

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