Chapter 11 - The Older Brother.

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                     Friday already, the week had moved quick, doing nothing but watching movies, playing games and snogging. The boys had managed to loose so much time pissing around, trying their damnedest not to be caught doing anything. 

"Yo Ty.. Where are ya?" Joe's voice was quiet despite his effort to yell.. "Ty?!", he tried again no response. It's only ten.. maybe he went to the shop again, did he leave a note? Joe searched the room for any indication to the whereabouts of Ty. Nothing. He grabbed his robe, huffing as he flew down the stairs. "Ah, paper. It's gotta be a note." Joe picked up the note, reading in haste. 

 - Joe, just popped to the shop, should be back before 8:30. If you're reading this and I'm not back go take a shower. You stink. :). 

"eight thirty? it's fucking ten already where is he?!" Joe, immediately over reacting ran upstairs and snatched his phone from the bedside table. The tones of each number were loud in the ominous silence. No answer. "Shit.. Where are you.." Joe's voice was panicked. More dialling tones.. Connected. "Alice.. Ty isn't here.. His note said he would be back before eight thirty. He's not home." Joe was shouting, breathing frantically and crying.. 

"Hello, Joe? Is that you Joe?" Alice was trying to remain calm, she only really caught the words Ty, home and eight thirty. "Honey.. I need you to calm down. What's wrong.". Taking a deep breath Joe paused. "Ty's missing. Please I don't know what to do.". "I'll get Charlie, we'll be right home." Her words were swift, decisive and before Joe could mutter a hurry and good bye Alice was gone. 

Joe had spent the twenty minutes it took Alice and Charlie to get home, pacing up and down the hallway, debating what to do.. Not even arriving at the conclusion that having clothes on might help.

"We're back. JOE!". Charlie yelled up, not angry more to make sure he could be heard. Joe stomped down the stars, clothes in hand.. not on him. "Why aren't you dressed? Hurry up." Charlie patted Joe on the back as he tried to pull his jeans over his legs, not bothering to sit and undo the buttons. "Right, you and Alice take the car. I'll walk to the shop and back, See if I can find him." Charlie's voice trembled a little bit, he was in shock. Ty had never spent unnecessary time out of the house, he went to his destination and straight back, even more so if he was alone. "K." Joe was solemn, his grief had got to him, nothing like this had ever happened before.

"Where do you think he went?" Alice was trying to keep positive and enthusiastic, trying to keep Joe from breaking down. "The note said he went to the shop.. It's just down the road though.. Shouldn't have taken him that long.. Only place we go when were hanging out with friends was the park. Or ours.. And he isn't home. "To the park then, we'll go check. - Joe, honey.. Is there anything he might be upset about.". Joe's face had gone from solemn grief to shear tickled pink embarrassment.  He isn't mad about the not reciprocating the touching? Touching isn't really the right word.. He certainly didn't seem upset. That can't be it. And. I. Can't. Tell. Alice. EVER. "not that I can think of." Before anyone else could talk they stopped by the park, apparently Charlie had the same thought. He paced over to the parking car waiting for the two to emerge. "Only real place to check.. Never thought you two being reclusive at your age would ever be a good thing." Charlie smiled a little.. Trying also lighten Joe's mood. A joke.. REALLY!? My boyfriend and your damn son is missing and you're making jokes.. This isn't the time you fool.. I'm doing it again I wonder if I'm the only one? Ty must do it too. Way too much time thinking. 

As they stepped into the park they were greeted by a moan.

                                    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Earlier that morning. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 

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