Chapter 16 - Fiancée?!

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                  Well here it is, the end of time, the beginning of the end. Five more minutes until that final siren's song plays and we march into the abyss.

"Why so glum Ty?" Joe's perky voice penetrated even the deepest thought as his lean warm arms tangled themselves tightly around Ty's waist halting their movement's homeward.

"Well.. We are about to get murdered by a fire breathing dragon. What the fuck do you think I'm so glum about." Ty immediately paused looking down with a submissive and apologetic mumble of the word sorry. "It's just mum is going to be over the fucking moon and back and not with happiness." Ty smiled and laughed, could that expression even be used in that context? He didn't care, his submissive grin had turned into a blooming smile with a hint of lust sitting in his eyes.

"You really shouldn't call your mum a dragon -"

"No you shouldn't!" Alice's words caught both the boys of guard as they stepped into each other toppling to the ground bags making the fall more aggressive as their legs are wound in a loose tangle.

"Oh sorry boys." Alice chuckled watching as the two untangled their bags and resume their rather comic position on the floor, the wet autumn ground had dampened the fabric of their clothes, clingy patches of darkened material clung to their skin. 

"Since when do you pick us up-" Once again Alice interrupted.

"Since we need to have a conversation. One that you two can't hide from or prolong. Now get into the car." Alice shrieked, eerily familiar to the initial response in her office. 

The ride was silent, neither party giving up any details of the discussion to be had - This was going to happen awkwardly or not at all. The favoured kitchen table it was. Charlie and Alice sat opposite Joe and Tyler in that order. Both facing the one they felt more responsible for.

"What you've done today is really serious boys. We can't just ignore it."

"Dad you don't under-" Ty's submissive head tilt downwards set the mood and progress for this conversation, he knew he was in no position to win but he would still try. Even if he agreed with it all in the end it was his decision. 

"Actually I do. While you don't talk to me about anything important at least numpty number two over here does."

"Hey-" Cut off again by the oncoming speech.

"No offence Joe, I love you both but seriously.. Not everyone in the world is going to dismiss your problems and leave you to rot." Charlie smiled in a very Alice like way, his face slightly red with love or embarrassment or both and a rather soft paternal tone on his voice eased the tension a little. "We both love you. We do. But you can't get married, you both understand this right." He paused, maintaining the current level of tension Joe and Ty sat motionless neither making eye contact with anyone but instead shaking gently and looking down in shameful acknowledgement. Joe's flustered face wrought with guilt as he had caused all of this. "It's not that we are saying no. It's far from it actually. It's just now is not a good time for either of you. School is important and besides there's no way you could afford to do it properly. Now I get why you done it, I just need to know that you understand what this means." Charlie finished speaking and layed one arm on the smooth polished table top. 

"I don't think you do. It's not like I expect anything from this.. I know exactly why he asked and my response is because I know why he asked. Dad after all that's happened you really think either of would risk fucking this up again. I've already failed once and Joe won't let me fail again. As odd as it sounds that's why he asked. Oh shit I just swore while talking to my father.. Well that's gonna loose me some brownie points in the future.. Maybe he doesn't care. And I hope to fucking god what I just said was right.. if not I'm about to look like the biggest fool on earth.. Oh for fucks sakes. "It was to make me feel better, the action may have been hollow but the intention behind it wasn't. I don't care if we don't get married until we are corpses floating in the dusty remains of what used to be earth after our solar system had collapsed. He asked because he wanted me to know he isn't going anywhere." It was abrupt and sharp but Ty had made his point. He face quickly drifted to scanning the room waiting for the retort and argument his parents were no doubt preparing.

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