Chapter 10 - Aftermath.

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       - Better get dressed, it's ten to five.. Mum and Dad will be home soon, I wonder if he was okay with me doing that. He sure seemed to enjoy it, but I guess who wouldn't. Great gonna have to shower too, odd time of the day.. Hmm 'No funny business'.. I know it's not how she meant it but what I just done certainly wasn't funny. It was fun oh sure but that's not the point. Can't get caught like this.. especially after hearing dad rant like that. He'll kill us all. He's so cute just laying there, the dumbstruck look on his face.. I don't want to wake him.. Ain't no way I'm hauling his butt into the shower though.. *sigh*. 

               "Joe.. Wake up.. JOE!" the bed shakes as Tyler aggressively shakes the bed waking the beast from it's slumber. "Oh.. What time is it?". "We got ten minutes to shower. Get up already.. I can't believe we fell asleep..". Tyler's face was smug, and panicked. Counting the time down the boys both hopped into the one shower and washed up. 

"Right we're dressed. Clean and tidy..". "What about my school shirt?" Joe, grimaced as he realised what was all over the front of his otherwise pristine shirt. "No school, it's fine just act cool and put it in the wash..". Tyler was inexplicably calm. "I think we need to talk, Ty." Joe's face was sad, he had disappointment in his eyes. "What? Why so sad all of a sudden?" - Bugger, I knew he was upset.. Why didn't he stop me.. He can't have it both ways. Damn him and his irresistible charm. "That was great, it really was.. But. We.. We promised not to have sex until we were old enough, as it stands we certainly aren't.". "Yeah, but that wasn't sex, it was something else.. Oral.. Maybe.. Foreplay? Does that count as sex? I'm Sorry?" Tyler's flurry of questions had both of them thinking. "I think we need to figure out some ground rules.". "Right, like the obvious no sex.. But what else?". "Well if we are going to be doing shit like this, aint no way in hell we can be caught." Tyler's face had an uncertain glee.. "Does that mean we can do that? Again? You going to return the favour?" Tyler didn't really care about having the favour returned, the fact that Joe was considering letting them fool around more made him happy. Ty wanted nothing more in life at this very moment to keep his man happy. His man.. It was still odd thinking and hearing those words in his head, although he had no problem stating his territory over the matter.

            "How you feeling boys..?" Charlie had appeared in the door frame, looking apologetic, he carried with him a bag. "Bought you some ice cream to make up for yelling earlier.. I know you heard me, I'm sorry.", His clunky steps thumped on the floor, placing the ice cream on the desk with some spoons and retreating back down stairs.. "Please tell me that the door was shut while we were talking?!" Tyler nodded, taking the ice cream looking for the better pick giving the lesser choice to Joe and smiling. "I get the good one, since you had the good one earlier." Tyler winked, causing himself to look down a little embarrassed.. 

"So they were having an interesting conversation upstairs.. I think they were making rules about any partners they bring home.. Something about not being caught, I heard some of it as I was giving them the ice cream.." Charlie was smiling, also with a slight shock. "Don't worry honey I'm sure it was nothing. Boys will be boys, as they say. You had me over most nights at this age, be grateful they aren't bringing people home every night." Alice smiled, trying to pull Charlie away from any thought that involved intimacy and the boys. "Could you go get them actually.. We need to sort out some dinner." 

"I don't think they'll need it, I gave them some ice cream. To make up for earlier, plus I'm sure it will make them feel a bit better.". "When did you get Ice cream? We've only been back for ten minutes.." Alice checked the freezer, noticing it seems void of the bag that had been sitting in there for a while. "Ah.. You gave them ours from the other night." She smiled, somewhat upset that her Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream was gone. "Well then, want to go out for something to eat?" Quickly recuperating from the loss of her frozen treat . "Sure, I'll go let the boys know." No sooner had he said it had Alice tugged him away from the door and insisted she go do it.

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