Chapter 9 - Hands Off!

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                  "Ugh, every morning.. I hate school.", Tyler's eyes flicker between open and closed as he stretches his shirt over his now stubbly face. "You need to shave.." Joe had remarked, not wanting Tyler to really shave. He looked like a fool, yes. He also looked like a teddy bear, built just for him. "Never, as long as I stand these hairs shall grow, and become the mightiest beard you have ever seen." Tyler had now thrust his arm skyward, laughing in hysterics at his comment. Good, Joe thought as he packed his gear into the bag for school. I don't want you to ever change, never you know?.. Of course he doesn't he can't hear me, but maybe he knows.. His stare is so intense and soft, his eyes are. "Yo, stop day dreaming you dork, we're gonna be late. Look I know I'm irresistible but perhaps you can gawk some more later, I'll even put on a show." That said Tyler strutted down the hall out the stairs not so much of a word to his parents, not that they were expecting anything. "Idiot.. Doesn't even have his bag." Joe scoops both bags onto his arming rushing to catch up with Ty. 

"Uhm, you missing something there Mr. Perfect?". Tyler points at himself. "What me? Never!". "Your bag?". "Nope, it's on your arm." Joe had fallen prey to Tyler's smug actions once more, not uncommon in the last couple of weeks, Tyler could have anything he wanted from Joe and he well knew it. "You're an egotistical arse." Joe snapped.

Arriving to the confines of the school gate. Not speaking, Ty just flicked his hair back with his hand in a casual manner and smiled at Joe, his eyes beaming, not blinking. His big brown eyes.. So soft. I want to just let the world know they are mine to enjoy. "Dude, seriously what's with you? Spacing out is my thing." Tyler jabbed at Joe hoping it would catch his attention. "Not..Nothing. It's just you know last term of school, we have a few weeks left.". "What are you so worried about? We've finished all of our exams for year ten, unless you're taking an extra?! Or do you have a secret lover you're not telling me about?" Even though his statements were in mock, anyone who looked at this exact moment could see the jaded expression his eye. Betrayal, jealously and lust all self inflicted. "Whoooa, hold your horses there." Joe just raised an arm. "You know I'm yours.". He's right. he is mine. if anyone even looks at him funny I'll cut them, actually that might be a bit extreme. I'll just scowl and snap at them. Yeah that should get the point across.

"You coming, my love." Joe's voice was soft and sweet but the hint of sarcasm was undeniable. Ty looked up, greeted by a hand, being held as if a prince was guiding his princess to the dance floor, eliciting the all to easy response of a blush from Ty. "Not funny, thought we were on the down low. Arsehat." Joe simply chuckled his smooth chin wobbling up and down with the motions of his laughter. They proceeded into first lesson, Design Technology where they spent more time drawing than talking, both happily thinking about the other in their daydreams.

                "Now class, we have a new student today. She's a year ten." Mrs Coopers voice had no sense of enthusiasm. - Before any more could be said, a short rather perky and confident looking girl walked in, her trousers clung tight to he legs, she had a small frame but was very gorgeous, well for a girl anyway. "Hi, I'm Sarah." She had barged right into the classroom, happy to introduce herself, she belonged in A5. "Yes, I was just informing them of your joining the school, take a seat over by Mark." Mrs. Cooper pointed, Mark waving his hand. "Not bad, if I say so myself. You're pretty hot.". Great she's one of those girls, you know the slutty ones. I wonder if Joe thinks the same. Wait who was she talking to the bitch can back the fuck off he's mine. "Ty were you listening to anything? Clearly not, this is Sarah.". "I thought she told her to sit next to mark..". "You could at least try and hide the annoyed tone." Joe had swiftly tapped Ty's shin with his foot making a small thud below the table. 

"So anyway, she thinks I'm hot, what do you say, think I could get someone that hot." Tyler's scowl had turned into a foul and grimaced frown. Does anyone want to interrupt, you know announce that all four of the good looking guys she is sat with on this row are GAY?! you know, not interested in girls. Definitely not slutty whores like her and her tight trousers and slutty girl voice. "Uh". Finally one of the year elevens had raised question towards Sarah's actions but he was soon silenced by Jake who clearly thought the situation was hilarious. "Sorry sweet cheeks but Mark and I, well yeah we're gay and a couple. So not going to happen. Sorry! Joe, and Ty on the other hand, they might be quiet but they are certainly hard eggs to crack." Jake's voice was soft, smooth and callous. He had made a game. "Like to play hard to get eh?, We will see about that." Sarah, her eyes bold and determined started rubbing her hand on Joe's slowly creeping up to rub the still forming muscles. 

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