Chapter 19 - We're Dull?

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             "Have you noticed how dull we are as people?" Joe was giddy, back on the high of the morning's events now that the awkward parental figures had left for their week long trip. 

"We aren't dull.." Ty's look was quizzical as he attempted to untangle a knot from his hoodie. 

"You really don't care do you?" Joe smiled, feeling as though he was about to burst Ty's little bubble. "Like really? Nothing interesting happens all year round until it's our birthday or summer. That's dull."

"Hey this morning wasn't dull." Ty gave a sly nudge finally winning his fight with the tangled strings. "Besides I'm happy, you're happy. Who cares." without much warning Ty vaulted out of his chair and onto his feet. Flexing in a childlike manner before proceeding on with his thoughts.

"I have the perfect idea." Joe began to look worried as his other half smiled cheek from cheek. "Tattoos. Bear claws something I don't know. That's not dull.." 

"Is any idea you have sane or normal.. I wasn't complaining just making a damn observation and now you want to scar me?!" Well actually, a tattoo would be pretty cool, but what on earth would I get.. We can't have the same thing besides he's the bear here.. Maybe I could get something tribal.. And no Joseph control your thoughts don't give him what he wants.

"Hellooo?" Snapping his fingers in Joe's ear was successful at least.  "So?"

"So what?" Joe smiled, "No tattoos. Not yet." Deciding he wasn't going to argue the point he just put his hand up, dismissing the playful pout Ty had put on. "As for earlier this morning, it is our birthday.. So you know.. back to my point.."

"Yeah well. Blergh. Go get dressed." Ty barely got to be demanding, but he had to hide the irritation in having lost his little dispute. 

"Why? I ain't going anywhere." - "WRONG!" Ty flung a wallet at Joe's face who had managed to raise his hands and catch the flying obstacle. 

"And this is for?"

"You're going down the shop. I want chocolate."




"Why bother. You know I'm going to win. Besides it is my birthday." A single flutter of an eye and Joe marched up the stairs pulling clothes out of their room. 

"Who's a good boy." Ty was now being sarcastic to rub his victory in.

"What do you want?" Joe pulled opened the wallet realising it was his own and chucked it back on the table.

"You cheeky shit. I'm not going down the shop and paying." he huffed.

"Well technically."

"Don't you even go there. With the technically this money is form mum and dad and all that rah.. You're paying." Ty just muttered under his breath, pulling a handful of notes and change out of a cookie pot on the now barren counter top.

"I dunno.. just junk I guess.. Oh and we need pasta sauce for tonight!" 

"Whatever." Joe slammed the door shut.


                                  "Morning little bro." Tyler panicked, thinking there was invader in the house spinning round with a horrified gaze only to be greeted by his brother who unbeknownst to him and Joe had been sleeping the guest room.

"Where on earth did you come from and why are you in my house?" Tyler held his fists in a playful manner jabbing at Logan's loose grey pyjama top. 

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