Chapter 18 - Closing the curtain.

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"Happy birthday" Tyler's whispers were soft and sensual against the still groggy Joe who simply smiled turning to face his hairy counterpart. "

"Already.. It feels so soon.. But hey oh. We're officially adults." Joe leaned forward for a quick peck on the cheek and was eagerly re guided by Tyler's hand into a kiss that lacked all passion and love instead it was filled with lust. Tyler's eyes begged for the attention he had been wanting for the last five years.

"Woah.." Joe was caught off guard by the initial kiss although he had quickly decided he liked where this was going and resumed, grabbing a delicate scruff of hair at the back of Ty's head causing him to yelp which only made Joe's grip that much tighter as he pulled Ty in for the kiss, more lustful than the last.

"You know where this is headed right?" Ty simply nodded rolling and pulling Joe on top of him before placing his hands on his back, roaming and gently massaging his soft supple skin. Joe quickly closed the gap between him and Ty, now straddling the chubby mass underneath and grinding gently. Joe didn't stop there pulling back from the kiss he nibbled on Ty's nipple causing him to moan a little too loudly, not that either one cared at this point. This was happening and Ty made sure of it. The grinding continued for a while until Joe's underwear was savagely ripped, in no attempt to be careful the fabric tore from a seem at the side allowing Joe's fully erect and throbbing penis to burst out, wasting no time at all it was soon in Ty's mouth as he bobbed quickly up and down the shaft and fondled Joe's bulls massaging his sack and massaging his prostate from behind. Joe was in heaven this was all such a new experience and it had always been so careful and planned whenever they went this far. The lust and the roughness exited him. Joe had decided it was Ty's turn he released himself from his boyfriends mouth, back to nibbling and tugging on his nipples while his hands tugged and teased Ty's member through the tight white fabric of his pants before standing up and tugging them all the way down to his ankles. Joe stood admiring his prize for a few moments before positioning back on top of Ty now grinding their pulsing exposed manhood together Ty nibbled on Joe's ear moaning as the friction caused sparks and excitement in his crotch and causing his own hips to gyrate as well.

"Now" Ty's words were faint as he tried to breath calmly the tension and lust rising causing him to become uncontrollable. Joe acted with haste and flipped Ty over with a thud and proceeded to massage and play with his plump arse cheeks, spreading them apart and playing with the tight hole with a few of his fingers. He could tell Ty was enjoying the play as he writhed and gasped at the play

Admittedly Joe had no idea what he was doing here, he pressed on in spur of the moment heat and spat into the hole massaging it and rimming gently with his tongue which caused yet another loud moan from Ty who war now arcing and squirming with pure pleasure, once He had decided it was wet enough Joe placed his head at the entrance to Ty's crack and started grinding again pressing into the firm crack before stopping and holding him member in line with Ty's hole and pushing slowly but strongly causing a yelp of pure pain which made him panic and pause.

"It's.. Okay.." Ty's panting was indication enough that he should continue, he proceeded to push slowly into his boyfriend until all of it was in, Joe had sprung up to a very nice 7"9. Once he was in he could feel Ty pushing back on him and slowly starting to fuck himself. Joe took a moment to enjoy the slow tight feeling around his cock before slowly pulling in and out leaving most of his dick in so he didn't accidentally come out.

"Ahhh.." Ty's whispered moans got louder as he begged Joe to start properly. He loved the feel of Joe inside him, the pressure welling up in his prostate caused him to writhe and beg.

"Harder" Ty begged, clawing the bed covers around him.

Joe picked up the pace now pumping instead of slowly sliding in and out. He quickly found his pace and balance he scooped Ty's legs over his shoulders and pulled his body in tight while still maintaining some motion, Joe was loving this.

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