22. Marcie

523 16 41

I've decided I'm going to schedule when I have to post because this is getting out of hand 🤚

I'll post every Friday, most likely in the afternoon!

(I hope)

Enjoy the chapter!

Song: 'Hold on, we're going home' by Drake and Majid Jordan

(Just to clarify, I like his music, not him 😬)


Paperwork needs to be illegal.

After 23 pages of paperwork were signed, I was finally released from the hospital and ready to go home.

We had barely walked half way through the entrance doors when Luca began complaining.

"That took fucking forever."

I turn to Luca. "You try signing paperwork as long as every fucking national anthem known to man, it takes awhile."

His eyes widen, before his lips curl into a smirk. "Someone's feisty." He taunts.

"Say that again." I warn.

"Someone's feisty."

I reach for hand and pull his index finger as hard as I could, hearing a sharp crack as Luca cries out.

"Ow!" He hisses and steps backwards as he holds his hand to his chest, eyes narrowed and full of hate.

"Oh, relax, I only cracked a knuckle." I roll my eyes, and turn my head to the right, where Ale was looking between us with caution.

"So dramatic." I sigh.

"Ale, tell Angelina not to break my fucking fingers!" Luca grunts.

"Well, luckily for you, we aren't even two steps away from a hospital." I smile tauntingly.

Ale holds his hands up in surrender before shaking his head.

"I'm not getting involved in this, sort it out amongst yourselves."

"Angelina, don't break your brother. Luca, don't taunt your sister. Behave."

Both Luca and I grumble at Dads response as he walks down the hospital steps.

I give him the middle finger and start mocking him to Luca, when he turns around.

"Lovely day, isn't it?" I turn around and point at the storm clouds in the sky as I whistle and look anywhere but him.

"Angelina, I've missed you more than you could imagine, but I will not hesitate to ground you if you mock me again."

He turns back around.


Luca snickers, leaving me to spin around and come face to face with him.

"Do you need me to crack your other fingers for you?"

He narrows his eyes. "Maybe. It's quiet stress relieving."

"Stress relieving? How about I relieve the air from your lungs-" I propel myself forward, arms outstretched and ready to squeeze his throat, when hands grip mine and yank me away.

"Hey!" I try to release myself from Matteo's grip, but he only tightens his hold.

"Behave. I don't want to have to listen to you two arguing the whole way home."

I stick my tongue out at him and blow a raspberry.

"Oh, how mature. Grow up. You're one year away from being an adult, so act like it."

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