14. Azalea

864 21 41

I'm so sick of school.


song: 'Knee Socks' by Arctic Monkeys

Angelina's POV:

I feel someone shake my shoulders, and I open my eyes to see Luca staring back at me, his faces inches away from mine. "AH!" I yell as I sit up, and our heads collide as he falls off the side of the bed.

"Ow!" I glare at him as he gets up and sways on the spot. "What was that for?" He argues, and I scoff. "Are you serious?" He puts his hands up in the air as he rolls his eyes.

"Sorry your highness, I'll let you sleep. I just wanted to let you know that breakfast is in 10 minutes and school is in an hour and a half." He walks out, finger pointed at me, as he closes the door behind him.

"Idiot." I mutter, and fall back onto my pillow, closing my eyes. Suddenly, I hear a loud SLAM and I jerk upright as Luca barges into my room, pulling the blankets off of me and dragging them behind him out the door. "No more sleeping!"

"You suck!" I yell, as he sticks his tongue out and pushes my blankets down the stairs. "Get up!" I frown as I sit up on the bed for a few minutes, before dragging myself into the bathroom.

I stare into the mirror for a second, before shaking my head and coming back to reality. School. My first time back at school in years. Will I be too far behind? Will people like me?

I take a deep breath as I look at my reflection. Better make a good first impression. I run the shower as I walk back into my room and pick up my phone. I walk back to the bathroom, when I notice something hanging on the back of my door.

A uniform. I lift it off the door, and my eyes rake over the little patterns and details. There was a grey blazer with a white collared shirt, and a green, black and white skirt and matching tie.

I hang it in my arm as I make my way back to the bathroom, and put everything down as I undress and step under the hot water

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I hang it in my arm as I make my way back to the bathroom, and put everything down as I undress and step under the hot water. I wash my hair, putting in all different types of shampoos and conditioners to hydrate my curls, and use a coconut scented body wash and hair mask.

After rinsing out my hair, I shave my under arms and legs, and turn the shower off as I wrap a towel around me. I get dressed into the uniform, leaving my tie undone since I don't know how to tie it, and I roll my skirt up until it was mid thigh. I walk back to my closet and find a black pair of Mary Jane's, and I put some plain white socks on underneath.

 I walk back to my closet and find a black pair of Mary Jane's, and I put some plain white socks on underneath

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