29: Mistakes

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this is only a short chapter, but as promised, here's Damien's pov...

song: 'Haunted' by Beyoncé


Damien's POV:

The crunch of gravel underfoot was the only sound breaking the stillness of the evening as Adonis and I made our way up the path. The Cattivo's house was bustling with people as the light from inside blares brightly, almost inviting.

Despite our best efforts to refuse our sisters begging, we had somehow managed to get trapped into going to the party and waiting around until she was ready to go home.

"As the oldest two, it is your responsibility to make sure she is safe, especially at parties like these, despite it taking place at the Cattivo's," My father had said, and whatever he says goes.

Cars were parked haphazardly on the lawn and along the driveway as we walked closer, and I could see figures moving about inside, silhouettes against the bright backdrop.

"Looks like it's already in full swing," Adonis said, nodding toward the house. "Guess we're late."

"It doesn't matter if we are late or not, Azalea should be grateful we even came." I reply, adjusting my jacket. The evening air was cooler than I'd expected, and the chill was beginning to seep through my clothes.

We reached the end of the path and stepped onto the lawn. The sound of laughter and music grew louder, more distinct. I could hear a mix of pop songs and old-school rock, blending together as clusters of people begun to dance, while others chose to stand to the side, speaking with their friends with drinks in hand.

"Is that alcohol? How did Luca sneak it in?" Adonis asks, eyes glued to the blue esky sitting beside the front door as people open the lid and pull out a variety of different drinks.

"Well, that's one thing that's decent about this party. Alcohol." Adonis murmurs something under his breath as we reach the front door, and one look inside is enough to pull the hidden flask from my jacket, taking a heavy swig as the familiar burn of the  straight whiskey slides down my throat.

"You're drinking already? You've got a problem, Damo." I turn to him with my eyes narrowed as he uses the nickname I've told him many times before to erase.

"Do not call me Damo, Adonis. Otherwise you'll end up with a broken limb. Would you like a reminder of the last time?" I ask, a memory of Adonis flashing through my mind as he snaps his finger back into place, looking at me with a hateful expression.

He stays silent, and I smirk as we enter, walking past people who looked drunk enough that they would collapse at any second.

"I'm going to find Ale." Without a glance back, he walks off, and my amusement grows more as he grumbles incoherent sentences under his breath, until he disappears into the crowd.

I manoeuvre my way through the room, nodding at a few familiar faces, but the sheer number of bodies crammed into the space was overwhelming. I reach for my flask as I lift it to my lips, but only a drop falls onto my tongue as I sigh in frustration.

I need more alcohol, this party was a fucking mess.

I scan around the room, looking for a drinks table, and once I finally find one near the lounge room I pick up a bottle of vodka and hold it in the air as I take a large gulp. I take the bottle with me as I hold it in my hand, hiding the flask back into my jacket, before looking around for a place to sit.

I make my way around the room, searching for any open seats, but there were none. I walk towards a group of couches near the back, my eyes narrowing as I saw that every seat was also taken, frustration growing inside me. I hated crowds, and hated not having control over my environment even more.

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