31. Rush

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do you guys have any book recommendations? I have nothing to do anymore 😔

I hope you enjoy the chapter! 😉

song: 'Better in the Dark' by TV Girl


"Excuse me?"

My heart skipped a beat. "Wait, you're Isabella's son?"

He nodded, looking extremely nervous now. "Yeah, I know she can be a bit...much. But I promise, she means well."

My earlier friendliness quickly fades. "I don't need to hear about how she means well. If she meant well, she wouldn't have lied to me."

"No!" He panics, "That's not what I'm doing, I do just want to get to know you." I sigh.

"Alright, then. What do you want to know?" I ask.

"Well... It's actually not what I want to know, it's what I want to tell you. Please, don't leave. She would never tell you this because she's too stubborn, but I will."

I cross my arms as I nod. "Alright, then. Tell me what she's too stubborn to."

"She left you because of me. It wasn't her fault." My eyebrow furrow in confusion.

"How is it your fault?" I ask, watching as his eyes now stray from mine.

"Well, the day she was with you, the day she had told you she was leaving, it was because I'd gotten into an accident. I was upset because my girlfriend had broken up with me, and without thinking I'd jumped in my car and drove away as fast as I could.

I got into an accident, and ended up in hospital. Nothing major, only a broken arm, but she had to choose; you or me."

My anger quickly fades as realisation dawns on me as I realised Isabella truly hadn't had a choice. She's had to choose, and it was between a broken girl she'd met a few months before, and her son.

I would've picked my son, too.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I told her it was nothing serious, and that she had to stay on her mission, and help you, but she had someone replace her and caught the first flight home."

I glance up from where my attention had been on my hands as I look, and I mean look at him, and with even a glance I could tell he felt guilty.

"She told me everything about you, you know. About what a strong person you are, and what you both went through together. She told me all sorts of stories while I was in the hospital, too, even though I was half hopped up on pain killers to properly listen.

I did listen to the funny ones, though. They were my favourite."

I give him a weak smile as I shake my head. "Did she ever tell you about the time I threatened her with a bedpan?"

He chuckles as he nods. "Especially that one. I vividly remember her telling me that she told you it hadn't been used, but it had."

I gasped. "She did not."

"Oh, but she did." He laughs.

"That means I touched a used bedpan! Someone had pissed in it, ugh!" I shiver dramatically as his laughs grow louder.

"What else did she tell you?" I ask.

It was very possible he knew everything about me now.

"Quite a bit, but I only remember a few of the stories, since as I've mentioned I was high on meds."

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