21 - Only Eyes For You

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Octavia watched from across the dining hall, her eyes narrowing slightly as she caught sight of one of the kitchen staff—a friendly redhead—handing Jade a steaming cup of coffee. Fresh coffee was a rare commodity in the bunker, and the gesture didn't go unnoticed. The redhead leaned in closer, saying something that made Jade laugh, her eyes crinkling with amusement.

Octavia felt a sharp pang of jealousy twist in her chest. She trusted Jade implicitly, but the sight of someone else vying for her attention stirred something primal within her. She clenched her fists, trying to suppress the surge of possessiveness that threatened to overtake her.

Later, when they were back in their quarters, Octavia couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer. She watched as Jade settled onto their bed, the events of the day clearly taking a toll on her.

"Jade," Octavia began, her voice carefully neutral. "I saw you talking to that redhead from the kitchen today."

Jade looked up, a small smile playing on her lips. "Oh, you mean Rowan? She was just being friendly. She brought me some coffee. It was a nice gesture."

Octavia nodded, but the unease lingered. "She seemed a bit... eager."

Jade chuckled, shaking her head. "Octavia, you have nothing to worry about. I only have eyes for you. You know that, right?"

Despite Jade's reassurances, Octavia couldn't shake the feeling. She moved closer, sitting on the edge of the bed and taking Jade's hand in hers. "I know," she said softly, "but I just... I need to make sure you know that you're mine."

Jade's eyes softened, and she squeezed Octavia's hand gently. "I'm yours, Octavia. Completely."The sincerity in Jade's voice was unmistakable, but Octavia felt a surge of possessiveness that she couldn't ignore. Leaning in, she pressed her lips to Jade's, the kiss slow and deliberate. She wanted to remind Jade, and perhaps herself, of the depth of their connection.

Jade responded instantly, her hands tangling in Octavia's hair as she pulled her closer. The kiss deepened, growing more passionate with each passing second. Octavia's heart raced, the jealousy and love mingling into a heady mixture that left her breathless.

Breaking the kiss, Octavia trailed her lips down Jade's neck, her hands roaming possessively over Jade's back. "I love you," she murmured against Jade's skin. "And I need you to know that no one else can satisfy me like you do."

Jade's breath hitched, and she cupped Octavia's face in her hands, forcing her to meet her gaze. "I know, Octavia. And I feel the same way about you."

Their lips met again, and this time, the kiss was fueled by a fervent need to reaffirm their bond. Octavia's hands roamed over Jade's body, pulling her closer, needing to feel the warmth and solidity of her presence.

Jade's fingers found the hem of Octavia's shirt, tugging it upward until Octavia lifted her arms, allowing Jade to pull it off completely. She reciprocated, sliding Jade's shirt over her head and discarding it to the side.

Skin against skin, they continued to kiss, their movements growing more urgent. Octavia pushed Jade back onto the bed, settling over her and capturing her lips in another searing kiss. The jealousy that had gnawed at her earlier was now a distant memory, replaced by an overwhelming sense of love and need.

As their bodies pressed together, Octavia could feel the steady thrum of Jade's heartbeat beneath her fingers. It was a comforting reminder of their connection, the unbreakable bond that held them together through thick and thin.

They moved together, each kiss and touch an unspoken promise of devotion. Octavia's lips traveled down Jade's body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Jade's hands gripped Octavia's shoulders, her breath coming in short, heated gasps.

"Octavia," Jade breathed, her voice filled with love and need.

Octavia looked up, her eyes locking with Jade's. "I love you," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "I love you more than anything."

Jade's eyes glistened with unshed tears, and she pulled Octavia back up, capturing her lips in a kiss that was both tender and passionate. "I love you too, Octavia. Always."

They held each other close, the world outside their quarters fading into oblivion. In that moment, there was only the two of them, wrapped in each other's arms, their love an unshakable fortress against the chaos of the bunker.

When they finally pulled away, both were breathless and flushed. Jade cupped Octavia's face in her hands, her thumbs brushing tenderly over her cheeks. "You don't ever have to worry about anyone else," she said softly. "You're all I need. All I want."

Octavia smiled, the last remnants of her jealousy melting away. "And you're all I need," she replied, leaning in to press a soft kiss to Jade's lips. "I'm sorry for doubting."

Jade shook her head, her eyes filled with understanding. "It's okay. I get it. But just remember, no one could ever take your place in my heart."

They lay down together, their limbs entwined, and Octavia rested her head on Jade's chest. The steady rhythm of Jade's heartbeat was a soothing lullaby, and she felt a deep sense of contentment wash over her.

"I'll never doubt you again," Octavia whispered, her eyes growing heavy with sleep.

Jade kissed the top of her head, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on Octavia's back. "And I'll always be here to remind you," she promised.

As they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, Octavia felt a sense of peace and security she hadn't felt in a long time. Jade was hers, and she was Jade's, and nothing in the world could ever change that.

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