23 - A Soothing Tale

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Usually, Jade can fall asleep at the drop of a hat on anything that merely resembles a bed. Whether it was a makeshift cot in the med bay or the hard ground during their days of struggle, sleep would find her easily. But tonight, despite the comfort of their quarters and the warmth of Octavia beside her, she found herself tossing and turning, unable to find rest.

Octavia lay next to her, the soft glow of a candle casting gentle shadows on the walls. She noticed Jade's restlessness and turned to face her, concern etched on her face. "Can't sleep?" she asked softly, reaching out to brush a stray curl from Jade's forehead.

Jade sighed, her frustration evident. "I don't know what's wrong. I just can't seem to settle tonight."

Octavia's brow furrowed with worry, but a small smile tugged at her lips as she gently caressed Jade's cheek. "Maybe your mind is too busy thinking," she suggested. "What can I do to help?"

Jade shook her head, a rueful smile on her face. "I don't think there's much you can do. I just need to ride it out."

Octavia's eyes twinkled with mischief as an idea formed. "I think I know just the trick," she said, her voice low and soothing.

Jade raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Oh? And what might that be?"

Octavia settled closer, her head resting on Jade's shoulder. "Let me tell you about the meeting I had earlier today," she began, her tone conspiratorial.

Jade laughed softly, the sound a mix of amusement and disbelief. "A meeting? You're going to bore me to sleep, is that it?"

"Exactly," Octavia replied with a grin. "Trust me, it'll work."

Jade rolled her eyes affectionately but nodded, willing to give it a try. "Alright, hit me with your best shot."

Octavia cleared her throat, adopting a mock-serious expression. "So, it started with Indra giving us a detailed report on the food inventory. She went over every single item, down to the last grain of rice. And then, we discussed the water filtration system's efficiency. Riveting stuff."

Jade chuckled, her eyes already starting to droop as Octavia's voice washed over her. "Sounds thrilling," she murmured.

"Oh, you have no idea," Octavia continued, her tone steady and calm. "After that, we moved on to the ration distribution schedule. We debated for almost an hour about whether to distribute the dried fruits in the morning or the evening. There were charts, Jade. Charts."

Jade's breathing began to slow, her body relaxing as Octavia's words lulled her into a drowsy state. "Charts, huh?" she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep.

"Yes, and let me tell you, the debate over the new seating arrangement in the mess hall was the highlight," Octavia said, her voice dropping to a soothing whisper. "People have strong opinions about where they sit, apparently."

Jade's eyelids fluttered, and within moments, she was fast asleep, her head resting against Octavia's shoulder. Octavia smiled tenderly, pressing a gentle kiss to Jade's temple. "Yeah, I think they're boring too," she whispered to her sleeping lover.

Content that her plan had worked, Octavia settled in, enjoying the rare moment of peace. She watched Jade sleep, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. The sight filled Octavia with a deep sense of love and gratitude. In the harsh world they lived in, moments like this were precious, a reminder of the warmth and comfort they had found in each other.

Octavia lay awake for a while longer, her thoughts drifting. She thought about the day's events, the responsibilities that awaited her tomorrow, and the endless challenges they faced. But as she held Jade close, all those worries seemed to fade into the background. Here, in the quiet of their quarters, nothing else mattered.

The memory of the meeting she had recounted to Jade made her smile. It had indeed been as dull as she described, a seemingly endless series of discussions about mundane matters. Yet, if recounting it could bring Jade peace and help her find rest, it was worth every minute of boredom.

As the night wore on, Octavia's own eyelids grew heavy. She nestled closer to Jade, finding comfort in the warmth and familiarity of their embrace. Her thoughts slowed, and soon she too drifted into a peaceful sleep, her dreams filled with the simple joys of their life together.

The next morning, Octavia woke to find Jade still asleep, her face relaxed and peaceful. She watched her for a moment, a soft smile playing on her lips. It was rare for them to have such a tranquil start to the day, and Octavia wanted to savor every second.

When Jade finally stirred, she opened her eyes to find Octavia watching her, a look of pure love in her eyes. "Good morning," Jade whispered, her voice still heavy with sleep."Good morning," Octavia replied, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to Jade's lips. "Did you sleep well?"

Jade stretched, a satisfied smile on her face. "Better than I have in days. Thank you."

Octavia chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Glad my boring meeting could help."

Jade laughed, the sound light and joyful. "You have a real talent for storytelling, you know that?"

Octavia grinned, her heart swelling with love. "Anything for you," she said, her voice soft and sincere.

They lay there for a while longer, savouring the rare moment of peace and quiet. Eventually, the demands of the day began to intrude, but for now, they were content to simply be together.

As they finally rose to face the challenges ahead, Octavia knew that no matter what the day brought, they would face it together. And in the quiet moments, when the world seemed too harsh and overwhelming, they would always have each other to turn to for comfort and strength.

Their love was a beacon of light in the darkness, a source of unwavering support and solace. And as they stepped out into the world, ready to face whatever came their way, Octavia held onto that knowledge, drawing strength from the bond they shared.

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