24 - The Perfect Gift

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Octavia hurried down the dimly lit corridors of the bunker, a rare smile playing on her lips. She had spent the entire day in meetings, fulfilling her duties as Blodreina, but her thoughts had constantly drifted to Jade. Today was her birthday, and Octavia was determined to make it special, no matter how much work she had to do.

As she reached their quarters, she paused to take a deep breath, trying to mask her excitement. Pushing the door open, she found Jade sitting on their makeshift couch, reading a well-worn book. The sight of her lover made Octavia's heart swell with affection.

"Happy birthday, Jade," she said softly, stepping into the room.

Jade looked up, her face lighting up with a smile. "Thank you, Octavia. How was your day?"

"Long," Octavia replied, closing the door behind her. "But worth it. I have a surprise for you."

Jade's curiosity was piqued, and she set the book aside, giving Octavia her full attention. "A surprise? What is it?"

Octavia reached into her pocket and pulled out a small, carefully wrapped package. She handed it to Jade, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. "Open it."

Jade took the package, her fingers trembling slightly with excitement. She unwrapped it carefully, revealing a single rolled cigarette. Her eyes widened in disbelief, and she looked up at Octavia, her expression a mix of amazement and gratitude.

"Is this...?"

"Yes," Octavia said, her smile widening. "I had one of the guards find it in the underground marketplace. I promised you the most epic smoke of your life, and you're going to get it."

Jade's eyes filled with tears, and she threw her arms around Octavia, hugging her tightly. "You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you."

Octavia hugged her back, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. "You're welcome. But the surprise isn't over yet. Come with me."

She took Jade's hand and led her through the bunker, navigating the maze-like corridors with practiced ease. Eventually, they reached a ladder leading up to a small access hatch.

"Where are we going?" Jade asked, her curiosity growing.

"You'll see," Octavia replied with a wink. "Trust me."

Jade followed her up the ladder, and Octavia pushed open the hatch, revealing a narrow passageway that led to the ventilation system. They crawled through it, Octavia leading the way, until they reached a small, secluded spot where the air was funneled back outside.

"This is it," Octavia said, sitting down and patting the space next to her. "The perfect spot for your birthday smoke."

Jade sat down beside her, taking in their surroundings. The sound of the outside world was faint but present, a reminder of the life they had left behind. She took a deep breath, savoring the moment.

"This is perfect," she said softly, turning to Octavia. "Thank you."

Octavia smiled and handed her the cigarette and a lighter. "Happy birthday, Jade. Enjoy."

Jade lit the cigarette, taking a slow, deep drag. She closed her eyes, exhaling the smoke and letting it carry her worries away. It was a small taste of the freedom they had lost, and it felt like heaven.

Octavia watched her, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. Seeing Jade so happy made all the effort worthwhile. She reached out and took Jade's free hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"How is it?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

Jade opened her eyes, a dreamy smile on her lips. "It's perfect. I haven't had a smoke like this in years. Thank you, Octavia. This is the best birthday present I could have asked for."

They sat in companionable silence for a while, passing the cigarette back and forth. The smoke curled around them, blending with the faint breeze from the ventilation system. It was a moment of peace and normalcy in a world that had been anything but.

As the cigarette burned down to its final embers, Jade leaned back, resting her head against the cool metal wall. "You know, for a moment, it almost feels like we're outside. Like we're free."

Octavia nodded, understanding exactly what she meant. "One day, we will be," she said quietly. "One day, we'll be out of here, and we'll have moments like this all the time."

Jade turned to look at her, a soft smile on her lips. "I believe you. And when that day comes, we'll find a place where we can watch the sunrise together."

"Deal," Octavia said, her heart swelling with hope.

They stayed there for a while longer, talking and laughing about the days before the bunker, reminiscing about their first meeting and the journey they had been on together. It was a rare moment of lightness and joy, a reminder of the love and strength that had kept them going.

As the night grew darker, they made their way back to their quarters, their spirits lifted. Jade was beaming, her heart full of gratitude and love. Octavia felt a sense of accomplishment, knowing she had made Jade's birthday special despite the challenges they faced.

When they finally lay down to sleep, Jade snuggled close to Octavia, resting her head on her chest. "Thank you for today," she whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too," Octavia replied, kissing the top of her head. "Happy birthday, Jade."

Jade drifted off to sleep, her heart light and her mind at ease. Octavia stayed awake a little longer, holding her close and savoring the moment. Despite the darkness of their world, they had found a way to bring light and joy into each other's lives. And that was a gift worth cherishing.

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