19 - Proving Ground

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The mess hall buzzed with the usual clatter of dishes and the hum of conversation. Octavia sat at her usual table, her eyes scanning the room as she ate. Jade was beside her, their usual silent communication providing comfort amidst the noise. Suddenly, a louder voice cut through the din, drawing both their attentions.

"I'm just saying, Blodreina deserves someone stronger. Someone who can actually hold their own in a fight," Kara Cooper's voice rang out, loud enough to ensure everyone nearby heard. "Not some gentle giant who couldn't even swat a fly."

Octavia tensed, her grip on her fork tightening. She glanced at Jade, who was carefully keeping her eyes on her plate, a muscle twitching in her jaw. Jade's patience was one of the things 

Octavia loved most about her, but this was testing even her limits.

Kara continued, her voice dripping with disdain. "I mean, can you imagine Jade in a real fight? She'd be on the ground in seconds. No guts for combat, that one."

Jade's hand stilled, her knuckles white as she clenched her fist. Octavia could see the internal struggle, the desire to stay above the taunts battling with the growing anger. 

Kara leaned in close to her entourage, her voice dripping with disdain. "If she's going to dress and act like a man, she should at least be able to fight like one," she sneered, casting a mocking glance at Jade. The group snickered, their eyes flicking between Kara and Jade with thinly veiled curiosity.

Finally, Jade stood, her chair scraping loudly against the floor.

"Kara," Jade said, her voice calm but carrying a steel edge, "why don't we find out if you're right? Let's spar, right here, right now."

A murmur rippled through the mess hall. Octavia's heart skipped a beat, worry gnawing at her. She knew Jade could handle herself, but Kara was ruthless and experienced in combat. Even Blodreina herself felt a twinge of unease.

Kara smirked, standing up and facing Jade. "You're on. This will be quick."

The crowd parted, forming a rough circle around them. Octavia stood, moving to the edge of the impromptu ring, her eyes never leaving Jade. She felt Indra's presence beside her, a silent show of support.

Jade stepped into the center, rolling her shoulders and shaking out her limbs. Kara did the same, though with far more swagger. They circled each other, the tension thick in the air.

"Don't hold back," Kara taunted, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Not in my nature," Jade replied, her voice steady and unwavering.

Kara smirked, clearly underestimating her opponent. But Jade was already moving. She launched a quick jab that Kara easily deflected, but it was just the beginning. Jade followed with a series of rapid punches, each one pushing Kara back a step. The crowd gasped, surprised at Jade's speed and precision.

Kara recovered quickly, launching a counterattack. She aimed a kick at Jade's side, but Jade blocked it with her arm, twisting to grab Kara's leg and yanking her off balance. Kara hit the ground hard, her eyes wide with shock.

"Not bad," Kara grunted, scrambling to her feet. "But not good enough."

They clashed again, a flurry of punches and kicks. Jade was relentless, her movements fluid and controlled. Kara was strong, but her arrogance made her predictable. Jade exploited every opening, her calm demeanor never wavering.

Octavia watched, her worry gradually turning into admiration. Jade was holding her own, more than that—she was dominating. Each move was precise, calculated. Jade had always been strong, but seeing her in combat, her strength combined with grace, was breathtaking.

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