30 - Trials and Tribulations

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**6 years prior**

The bunker was buzzing with the chaos of new assignments and sectors. People were moving into their new quarters, learning their roles, and trying to adapt to a life underground. Among the crowd in the mess hall, Abby Griffin stood in a heated debate with the assignment officer.

"I've been a doctor for years. I have extensive training and experience. Jade Aningmiuq doesn't have my level of expertise," Abby argued, her frustration evident.

The officer remained unmoved. "Jade Aningmiuq is assigned as a doctor. Her skills as a healer are highly regarded among the grounders."

Abby's voice grew more strained. "I had to sedate her less than two weeks ago to get her into the bunker! Is she really stable enough to be a doctor?"

The officer sighed, clearly tired of the argument. "The decision is final, Abby. Please report to med bay and begin your duties."

Abby huffed in annoyance, storming off. Her resentment toward Jade only grew in the following days. She nitpicked Jade's work, trying to catch her in mistakes. Abby complained about Jade showing up late or having sloppy paperwork, but each accusation was quickly proven unfounded. Jade's professionalism and dedication were undeniable, earning her the respect of many in the bunker.

Meanwhile, Jade and Octavia were navigating the early stages of their relationship in secret. They met behind the closed doors of Octavia's quarters, stealing moments of intimacy away from prying eyes.

One evening, Jade entered Octavia's quarters, looking more frustrated than usual. Octavia noticed immediately. "What happened?"

Jade sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Abby exploded at me today. She doesn't understand why people prefer me as their doctor."

Octavia frowned, her protective instincts flaring. "What did you tell her?"

"I reminded her that she's Skaikru, and most of the people in the bunker are grounders. They trust me because I'm one of them," Jade explained, her voice steady despite the tension. "I told her I've taken her behavior in stride because I'm a professional. But I also reminded her that if she has any real concerns, she should take it up with you."

Octavia's eyes softened with admiration. "You handled that well. I'm proud of you."

Jade smiled weakly. "It's not easy, but I'm trying to stay professional. Most people here see me as more than qualified to be their doctor. Abby's just going to have to accept that."

Octavia wrapped her arms around Jade, pulling her close. "She'll come around eventually. And if not, she'll have to answer to me."

Jade chuckled, resting her head on Octavia's shoulder. "I knew there was a reason I fell for you."

Octavia grinned, pressing a kiss to Jade's forehead. "I'm always here for you. We'll get through this together."

The tension from the day melted away as they held each other, finding solace in their shared strength. Despite the challenges and the secrecy of their relationship, they knew they had each other's backs. And in the bunker, where every day brought new trials, that made all the difference.

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