12- Heartwrenching Revelations

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Blodreina's advisor, Kara Cooper, had always been flirtatious, her behaviour often bordering on the inappropriate. Today, however, she was particularly over the top, making suggestive comments and lingering touches that had Octavia rolling her eyes and smirking in bemusement. It was just one more absurdity in a day filled with the harsh realities of leadership.

As night fell, Octavia finally found solace in her quarters with Jade. She walked in, shedding her armour like a heavy second skin, and was greeted by the familiar comfort of Jade's presence. Jade, ever perceptive, noticed the slight furrow in Octavia's brow.

"Tough day?" Jade asked, a small smile playing on her lips.

Octavia sighed, flopping onto the bed beside Jade. "You have no idea. Kara was... relentless today. I thought she was going to spontaneously combust from all the flirting."

Jade chuckled, the sound warm and comforting. "Kara Cooper, huh? I've seen her looking at you. She's not exactly subtle."

Octavia laughed, her tension easing a little. "Subtlety isn't her strong suit. But today was just... ridiculous."

They shared a laugh, the sound echoing in the small, dimly lit room. The weight of their responsibilities seemed to lift, if only for a moment, as they found comfort in each other's company. As the laughter died down, a comfortable silence settled between them, and Octavia's thoughts drifted to their pasts.

"Do you ever think about your past partners?" Octavia asked, her voice soft in the quiet room.Jade turned to look at her, curiosity in her green eyes. "Sometimes. Why do you ask?"

Octavia shrugged, her gaze distant. "I guess Kara's antics got me thinking. I haven't thought about Lincoln in a long time. He was... everything to me before all of this."

Jade reached out, her hand finding Octavia's. "Tell me about him."Octavia's eyes softened as she remembered Lincoln. "He was brave, strong, and kind. He saw the good in me when I couldn't see it myself. He was taken from me too soon, but he taught me so much."

Jade squeezed her hand, a silent offering of comfort. "He sounds like he was a good man."

"He was," Octavia whispered, her heart aching with the memory.After a moment, Octavia looked at Jade, curiosity flickering in her eyes. "What about you? Any past loves I should be jealous of?"

Jade laughed softly, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "There was one. Her name was Kenojuak. She was short, blonde, bubbly. The kind of person who could light up a room just by walking into it."

Octavia smiled at the description. "She sounds wonderful. What happened?"

Jade hesitated, her gaze dropping to their joined hands. "She wasn't among those selected to survive for Siglitkru."

Octavia's breath caught, the implication sinking in. "She didn't make it into the bunker?"

Jade shook her head, her voice heavy with old pain. "No. I resisted going in until the last minute. Ken insisted I go. She made me promise to survive, even if she couldn't."

A realization dawned on Octavia, a memory resurfacing. She had seen Jade before, on the day they all went down into the bunker. It had taken four warriors to drag Jade inside, her resistance a testament to her despair and determination. Abby had to give Jade a sedative to calm her down, but even in unconsciousness, the tears still flowed down her cheeks. 

Octavia's heart ached for Jade, for the loss she had endured. "I'm so sorry, Jade."
Jade tried to smile, but it was a ghost of her usual warmth. "It's okay. I've come to terms with it, mostly."

Octavia's brow furrowed as she considered Jade's story. "It must be hard to hear me being jealous of Talia, even though she's been gone for four years. I mean, she made sure you'd survive, and that led to us meeting."

Jade's eyes widened, and she shook her head vehemently. "No, Octavia, that's not it at all."

Octavia pulled her hand away, the weight of her insecurities pressing down on her. "It's just... if Talia had survived, you wouldn't be with me. You'd still be with her."

Jade's heart broke at the pain in Octavia's voice. "Octavia, that's not true."

Octavia looked away, her voice barely a whisper. "You'd really choose me over her?"

Jade's exasperation was tinged with tenderness. She reached out, cupping Octavia's face and forcing her to meet her gaze. "Octavia, how could it ever be anyone else?"

The sincerity in Jade's eyes was undeniable, and it shattered the walls Octavia had built around her heart. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she blinked them away furiously, not wanting to break down.

"Jade..." Octavia's voice cracked, her emotions overwhelming her.

Jade pulled her into a fierce embrace, holding her as if she could protect her from the world. "I love you, Octavia. You. Not some memory, not a ghost. You."

At first, Octavia's body remained tense, rigid in Jade's arms. She wanted to demand to be let go, to push away the vulnerability that threatened to consume her. But Jade's embrace was warm, unyielding, and slowly, the walls Octavia had built began to crumble.

The first sob escaped her lips, and then another, until she was crying in earnest, her body shaking with the force of her emotions. Jade held her, whispering soothing words, her hand gently stroking Octavia's hair.

"I'm here," Jade murmured. "I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere."

Octavia clung to her, the years of pain and loss spilling out in a torrent. She hadn't allowed herself to break down like this in so long, but with Jade, she felt safe enough to let go.

Eventually, the sobs subsided, leaving Octavia feeling raw and exposed, but also lighter. She pulled back slightly, looking into Jade's eyes. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

Jade shook her head, her expression tender. "There's nothing to be sorry for."

Octavia took a deep, shuddering breath. "I don't want to lose you, Jade. I don't want to lose us."Jade's grip tightened, her voice firm. "You won't. We're in this together, Octavia. No matter what."

The words were a balm to Octavia's wounded heart. She nodded, a sense of resolve settling over her. "We'll make it through this. Together."

Jade smiled, the warmth returning to her eyes. "Together."

They held each other for a long moment, the closeness reaffirming their bond. The pain and heartache were still there, but so was the love, the connection that had brought them together in the first place.

As they finally pulled away, Jade cupped Octavia's face once more, her thumb brushing away the remnants of tears. "Promise me something," she said softly.

"Anything," Octavia replied, her voice steady.

"Promise me we'll never let this happen again. No more hiding how we feel. No more walls between us."

Octavia nodded, the sincerity in her eyes mirroring Jade's. "I promise."

They sealed the promise with a kiss, a gentle meeting of lips that spoke of love and commitment. It was a kiss that reminded them both of why they had fought so hard to be together, and why they would continue to fight, no matter what the future held.

As they lay down together, Octavia felt a sense of peace she hadn't known in a long time. The darkness of their pasts still lingered, but the light of their love shone brighter, guiding them forward.

And as they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that whatever came next, they would face it together, their hearts beating as one.

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