8 - Dreaming in Smoke

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The bunker was eerily quiet, the harsh, unyielding environment pressing in on its inhabitants. But within the small sanctuary of their quarters, laughter and love filled the air. Octavia and Jade found solace and joy in each other's company, a respite from the brutal reality outside their door.

They were lying on their bed, limbs entangled in a comfortable, intimate tangle. Octavia's head rested on Jade's chest, her fingers idly tracing patterns on her skin. The candlelight cast a warm glow, creating a cocoon of peace around them.

Jade sighed, a wistful smile playing on her lips. "You know, I was just thinking about the cigarettes I used to smoke," she said, her voice filled with a mix of nostalgia and longing.

Octavia tilted her head to look up at her, a playful glint in her eyes. "Cigarettes, huh? Those terrible things that stink up the place and ruin your lungs?"

Jade chuckled, shaking her head. "Hey, don't knock them until you've tried them. There's something about a real cigarette, you know? The feel of it between your fingers, the first drag, that moment of pure relaxation."

Octavia laughed, her voice bubbling with amusement. "You're really romanticizing those cancer sticks, aren't you?"

Jade laughed too, the sound warm and infectious. "Maybe a little. But I rolled a bunch of them before we had to come down here. They're still in my house, tucked away in a little tin. Sometimes, I fantasize that they're still there, untouched by the nuclear meltdown."

Octavia's laughter grew louder, her body shaking with mirth. "So, let me get this straight. The world has gone to hell, everything is probably destroyed, but you're hoping your cigarettes are safe?"

Jade's eyes sparkled with playful defiance. "Absolutely. Forget the house, the furniture, the photos. Just give me those cigarettes, and I'll be happy."

Octavia couldn't stop laughing, her head falling back against Jade's chest as she wiped away tears of mirth. "You're ridiculous! All this time I've been worrying about how we'll survive, and you're dreaming about a pack of cigarettes."

Jade grinned, her fingers brushing through Octavia's hair. "Hey, everyone needs their comfort items. For some, it's a teddy bear. For me, it's a good smoke."

Octavia rolled her eyes, still chuckling. "If we ever get out of here and find your cigarettes, I'll make sure you have the most epic smoke of your life."

Jade's smile softened, her eyes filled with love and affection. "I'll hold you to that, Blake. But you have to join me. It'll be a celebration."

Octavia laughed again, her heart swelling with warmth. "Deal. But only because I love you."

Jade leaned down, capturing Octavia's lips in a tender kiss. "I love you too," she whispered against her lips. The kiss deepened, filled with the unspoken promise of many more moments like this, where they could laugh and dream about a future beyond the bunker's walls.

When they finally pulled apart, Octavia rested her head back on Jade's chest, listening to the steady beat of her heart. "Tell me more about your house," she said softly. "What was it like?"

Jade's expression grew thoughtful as she cast her mind back. "It was small but cozy. I had a little garden out back where I grew herbs and vegetables. My kitchen was always a mess because I loved experimenting with new recipes. And there was this big old comfy armchair in the living room where I'd curl up with a book."

Octavia closed her eyes, imagining the scene. "It sounds perfect. I can see you there, surrounded by plants and books, living your best life."

Jade smiled, her fingers continuing their soothing movements in Octavia's hair. "It was a good life. Simple, but it made me happy. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to go back, to rebuild something similar after all this is over."

Octavia nodded, a wistful smile on her lips. "I'd like that too. To have a home that's ours, filled with love and laughter."

Jade's eyes sparkled with hope. "We'll get there, Octavia. One day, we'll have our own place, maybe even a garden. And you can help me cook and make a mess in the kitchen."

Octavia laughed, the sound lighter now, filled with genuine happiness. "I can't cook to save my life, but I'll happily make a mess with you."

Jade's grin widened. "Deal. And who knows, maybe we'll even find those cigarettes. They might be a little worse for wear, but it'll be a hell of a story."

Octavia's laughter rang out again, the sound echoing through their quarters. "I can't believe how obsessed you are with those cigarettes! But if it makes you happy, we'll search every inch of your old house to find them."

Jade's expression turned tender, her eyes locked onto Octavia's. "You make me happy, Octavia. Everything else is just a bonus."

Octavia felt her heart swell with love, the weight of the day's struggles momentarily forgotten. "You make me happy too, Jade. And as long as we have each other, we can face anything."Jade's smile was radiant, her love for Octavia shining brightly in her eyes. "Then we'll get through this, together."

They lay there in comfortable silence for a while, the candlelight flickering softly around them. Octavia felt the day's exhaustion begin to fade, replaced by a deep sense of contentment and peace. In Jade's arms, she found a sanctuary, a place where she could be herself, free from the burdens of leadership and the harsh realities of their world.

As they settled in for the night, Octavia's mind wandered back to Jade's nostalgic memories. "Tell me more about the cigarettes," she said, her voice filled with playful curiosity.

Jade laughed softly, the sound a comforting melody. "Well, I used to grow this special tobacco with seeds I'd buy from a little shop in TonDC. It had this rich, earthy aroma that was just perfect. I'd roll my own cigarettes, taking my time to get them just right."

Octavia listened, a smile playing on her lips. "You must have been quite the sight, sitting in your garden, rolling cigarettes and enjoying the sunshine."

Jade's expression grew wistful. "It was my little slice of heaven. Sometimes, I'd dance and sing, just for myself. Those were the moments when everything felt right in the world."

Octavia felt a pang of longing, wishing she could have seen Jade in those moments of pure joy and peace. "We'll have that again," she said softly. "A place where we can be happy and free."Jade's smile was filled with hope. "I believe that, Octavia. We just have to hold on to that dream."

Octavia nodded, feeling the warmth of Jade's love and optimism envelop her. "And maybe one day, we'll sit in our garden, you with your book and me with my inability to cook, enjoying the simple pleasures of life."

Jade chuckled, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on Octavia's skin. "That sounds perfect. And who knows, maybe I'll even teach you how to roll a cigarette."

Octavia laughed, the sound filled with genuine happiness. "I'll take you up on that, but only if you promise not to laugh at my terrible attempts."

Jade's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Deal. But I can't promise I won't be a little bit amused."Octavia grinned, feeling lighter than she had in weeks. "I'll take that risk. As long as we're together, I'll face anything."

In the quiet of their quarters, surrounded by the warmth of their love and the soft glow of the candlelight, Octavia and Jade found a moment of peace and hope. The harsh reality of the bunker faded away, replaced by dreams of a brighter future.

They fell asleep that night wrapped in each other's arms, the promise of better days ahead lingering in their hearts. No matter what challenges they faced, they knew they could overcome them together. And as long as they had each other, they had everything they needed to find their way to happiness.

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