7 - A Healing Touch

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The soft, rhythmic sound of Jade's breathing filled the quiet room, the only indication that time still moved forward in the underground world they inhabited. Octavia lay beside her lover, watching the rise and fall of Jade's chest. In these tranquil moments, when the weight of leadership momentarily lifted, Octavia allowed herself to remember the time they first met.

It had been a day like any other in the harsh environment of the bunker. Octavia had returned from a grueling training session with a fresh wound on her arm, the result of a particularly fierce sparring match. She had insisted on handling it herself, as she often did, but Indra had other ideas.

"Go to the med bay, Blodreina. You need proper care," Indra had said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Reluctantly, Octavia had made her way to the med bay, expecting a quick patch-up and to be on her way. What she hadn't anticipated was meeting Jade, the new medic who had just joined their ranks.

Jade was a vision of calm efficiency. Standing at 6"3 with close-cropped dark curls, her hands were deft and sure as she worked. When Octavia entered the med bay, she looked up, her green eyes meeting Octavia's with a mixture of curiosity and warmth. There was an immediate connection, a spark that neither of them could ignore.

"Blodreina," Jade greeted, her voice smooth and confident. "Please, sit. Let me take a look at that wound."

Octavia complied, her usual defenses slightly lowered by the genuine kindness in Jade's eyes. As Jade began to clean the wound, her touch was gentle, almost tender, and Octavia found herself relaxing despite the sting of antiseptic.

"You're new here," Octavia observed, her tone more curious than accusatory.

Jade nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "I am. Transferred from another sector. I heard a lot about you."

Octavia raised an eyebrow. "All good things, I hope."

Jade chuckled softly. "Mostly. They say you're fierce, a warrior unlike any other. But I think there's more to you than that."

The words were casual, but there was a flirtatious undertone that didn't go unnoticed. Octavia smirked, feeling an unexpected warmth in her chest. "And what do you think you know about me, Jade?"

Jade's hands paused briefly, her gaze meeting Octavia's with a knowing look. "I think you carry more than just physical wounds. And I think you're stronger because of them."

Octavia was taken aback by the insight, her defenses momentarily crumbling. No one had ever seen through her so quickly, and it both intrigued and unsettled her. She watched Jade work in silence for a moment, the medic's touch soothing and careful.

As Jade finished bandaging the wound, she looked up again, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "There, all done. Try not to get into too many more fights, alright?"

Octavia laughed, a genuine sound that felt foreign in her own ears. "No promises. But if I do, at least I know where to find you."

Jade's smile widened, and she reached out to squeeze Octavia's hand lightly. "I'll be here."

That simple touch, that shared moment, had been the beginning of something Octavia hadn't realized she needed. Over the following weeks, she found herself seeking out excuses to visit the med bay, each encounter with Jade leaving her feeling a little lighter, a little more human.

One evening, as Octavia lingered in the med bay after a routine check-up, Indra had appeared in the doorway. She observed the interaction between Octavia and Jade with a discerning eye, noting the ease and warmth between them. As she walked away, a small, secret smile played on Indra's lips. She was pleased to see Octavia finding solace and companionship, knowing that even the fiercest leaders needed someone to lean on.

In the present, Octavia's gaze softened as she continued to watch Jade sleep. The memory of their first meeting was a cherished one, a reminder of the unexpected kindness and understanding that had brought them together. Jade's presence in her life had been a balm to the wounds that leadership inflicted, a source of strength and love that she had come to rely on.

As the artificial lighting switched to day mode and filtered into the room, Octavia leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Jade's forehead. Jade stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open to meet Octavia's loving gaze.

"Good morning," Jade murmured, her voice thick with sleep.

"Good morning," Octavia replied, her voice soft and full of affection.

Jade reached up, her hand cupping Octavia's cheek. "You were watching me again."

Octavia smiled, a rare, genuine smile that was reserved only for Jade. "I can't help it. You're the most peaceful thing in my life."

Jade's eyes softened, and she pulled Octavia down for a tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with love and understanding, a silent promise that they would face the challenges of the day together.

When they finally pulled away, Jade rested her forehead against Octavia's. "I'm glad you came to the med bay that day."

Octavia chuckled softly. "So am I. You've been my anchor, Jade. My reason to keep fighting."

Jade's eyes glistened with emotion. "And you've been mine, Octavia. We'll get through this, together."

Octavia felt a renewed sense of purpose. With Jade by her side, she believed they could face anything. The day ahead would be filled with challenges, but for now, in the quiet moments before dawn, she found peace in the love they shared.

The world outside might be harsh and unforgiving, but within the confines of their quarters, there was a sanctuary of warmth and affection. And as they lay together, their hearts beating in unison, Octavia knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome any obstacle.

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