6 - Cleansing the Shadows

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The bunker's oppressive atmosphere clung to Octavia Blake like a second skin as she made her way through the dimly lit corridors. Today had been particularly brutal, the weight of leadership pressing down on her like never before. As Blodreina, she had to be unyielding, her every decision a matter of life and death for her people. But beneath the mask of the indomitable leader was a woman teetering on the edge of exhaustion and despair.

When Octavia finally reached the door to her quarters, she paused, taking a deep breath to steady herself before pushing it open. The familiar, comforting scent of sage immediately greeted her, and she felt a small measure of the day's tension begin to lift. Inside, the soft glow of candlelight illuminated the room, casting gentle shadows on the walls. Jade stood in the center, facing away from the door, holding a bundle of smoldering sage.

"Welcome home," Jade turned and said softly, her voice a soothing balm to Octavia's frayed nerves.

Octavia managed a weak smile, her eyes reflecting the exhaustion she felt. "It's been a hard day," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jade nodded, understanding without needing further explanation. She stepped closer, holding out the bundle of sage. "Let's cleanse away the negativity," she said gently. "Together."

In the center of the room, an abalone shell bowl sat on a small table, cradling the smoldering sage. Jade guided Octavia to stand before it, the smoke rising in delicate tendrils. "Close your eyes and take a deep breath," Jade instructed, her voice calm and steady.

Octavia did as she was told, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply. The scent of the sage was grounding, a reminder of rituals long forgotten in the chaos of their current lives. Jade's presence was a comforting, grounding force that helped to steady her racing thoughts.

"Use your hands to bring the smoke to your eyes," Jade said softly, guiding Octavia's hands with her own. "Let it cleanse your vision, help you see clearly."

Octavia cupped her hands, gently wafting the smoke toward her eyes. She could feel the soothing warmth and the purifying touch of the sage, as if it were lifting away the dark clouds that had been clouding her sight.

"Now to your mouth," Jade continued, her hands still guiding Octavia's. "Let it purify your words, so you can speak with truth and kindness."

Octavia brought the smoke to her mouth, inhaling its cleansing essence. The bitterness of the day's harsh words and difficult decisions began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of clarity and peace.

"To your heart," Jade murmured, moving Octavia's hands to her chest. "Let it heal your spirit, bring you strength and compassion."

Octavia felt the warmth of the smoke penetrate her chest, soothing the ache that had settled there. The heaviness that had been weighing on her heart began to lift, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose and love.

"Over your head," Jade instructed, guiding Octavia's hands upward. "Let it clear your mind, bring you peace."

Octavia moved the smoke over her head, feeling the tension in her temples and neck begin to ease. The chaotic thoughts that had been swirling in her mind started to settle, replaced by a calm, focused clarity.

"Finally, down your body," Jade said softly, moving Octavia's hands in a sweeping motion from her head to her feet. "Let it cleanse you completely, wash away the darkness."

Octavia felt the sage's purifying touch sweep down her body, the last remnants of the day's negativity falling away like ash. She opened her eyes, feeling lighter and more at peace than she had in weeks.

Jade took the smudge stick from Octavia's hands, her eyes filled with love and understanding. "Now, let me take care of you," she said gently.

Octavia turned around, allowing Jade to move the sage along her back. The smoke curled around her, purifying and protecting, as Jade murmured words of healing and strength. The warmth of Jade's love and care seeped into Octavia's weary bones, bringing with it a profound sense of peace.

Jade continued the ritual, moving the sage to the bottoms of each of Octavia's feet. "Let it ground you," she said softly. "Feel the earth beneath you, steady and strong. Lift one foot. Good, now the other."

Octavia closed her eyes again, feeling the soothing touch of the sage on her feet. The connection to the earth, even within the confines of the bunker, brought a sense of stability and balance. She felt rooted, supported, and anchored.

When the ritual was complete, Jade extinguished the sage, placing it back in the abalone shell. She turned to Octavia, wrapping her arms around her in a gentle, yet firm embrace. "You don't have to carry it all alone," Jade whispered, pressing a kiss to Octavia's temple. "I'm here with you, always."

Octavia melted into the embrace, feeling the last of her defenses crumble. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Jade held her tighter, her presence a comforting and grounding force. "You don't have to find out," she said softly. "We're in this together."

In the quiet of their room, surrounded by the soothing scent of sage and the warm glow of candlelight, Octavia felt a renewed sense of strength and purpose. The ritual had cleansed more than just her body; it had touched her spirit, reminding her of the love and support that surrounded her.

No matter how dark the days became, no matter the burdens she had to bear as Blodreina, Octavia knew she could face it all with Jade by her side. Together, they would find their way through the darkness, one day at a time. And in the moments of peace they carved out for themselves, they would find the strength to keep moving forward, their love a beacon of light in the shadows.

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