Ch. 26: A Song for Kitten

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A few days pass. You and Catnap are at home where you and Huggy live with Charlene. You're back from the restaurant. Charlene's parents met Huggy and nearly sneered after seeing him. Huggy knew of their intentions and said, "Don't worry. I'm getting a job, elsewhere." Cecilia laughed and said to him, "Ha! Good luck getting one with a gut like that." She and Joe laughed.

This made Charlene angry and she snapped yelling, "Hey! Don't talk to my boyfriend that way, mom! Show some fucking respect for once, would you? Or are you too preoccupied by looks? Don't think that because we're in Los Angeles and you and daddy own a restaurant that you have that stupid privilege to shun everyone else. You only hired (Y/N) and Catnap because of their looks and body types. If I hadn't had that, then you would've shunned even your own daughter! Leave Huggy the hell alone!" 

This took Cecelia by surprise, but she just huffed and walked off. Joe said nothing. Huggy looked at her and he was surprised and happy that Charlene defended him. You and Catnap have witnessed this, yourselves. Catnap just said this, "Serves the hag right." 

You're at home and you're watching TV. Your favorite show is on. Beavis and Butthead. Both yours and Catnap's favorite. It's the episode where Beavis and Butthead make a prank call and you're both laughing as you watch it.

You say, "Man. I'm glad Charlene defended Huggy the way she did. Some people around here are just so shallow." Catnap says, "Most of L.A. is like that, Kitten." You lean against him and you say, "I'm just glad you and I are at least still together, lovey." He says, "I love you too damn much to let you go." He holds you close and he kisses you on the cheek.

You all suddenly hear a knock on the front door. Charlene walks out and says, "I'll get it!" She answers the door and there's a delivery guy standing there with a package saying, "Um, hi. I've like, got a package for a Miss. (Y/N) (L/N)." You hear this and you look over saying, "For me?"

Charlene takes it and says, "I'll get her. Thank you." She walks to get you. You come over and you see the delivery guy with a clipboard and a paper to sign. He says, "Hey, Miss. (L/N)." You say, "Hello there." 

He says, "If you could just sign right here, you're good to go. It's already been paid for by the sender." You take it and you sign your signature. You hand him the clipboard back and he says, "Have a nice day." You say, "You as well, mate." He leaves and you shut the door.

You look down at the package and you say, "Wonder what it is." Catnap says, "Let's hope it's not a bomb ready to detinate anytime." You say, "Oh, Catnap. It's not a bomb. I'm sure of it. Besides, it says right here on the package that it's from Kitty." He looks over and he says, "From Kitty, huh?" 

You open the box and you pull out a VHS and a note. You read the note and it says, "I made a music video as a message to you, (Y/N). A warning, actually. Put the tape in and watch. It's a thing I've always wanted to do. But it's the words I want you to pay attention to. Trust me.

- Kitty."

You say, "A warning? Oh well, I'll put it in. See what she has to sing for me." You get it on a different channel. Channel 3. It's where you'll be able to watch movies you stick in the VCR. You put the tape in the VCR and you press play. You step back and you and Catnap face the TV.

The video comes on. You see Kitty in her true form. Turns out, she's singing grunge and even wearing the clothing for it. The music is catchy, too. You grin and you say, "Hey. This is bonza. So, this is what her true dreams are, huh? Being a grunge singer." Catnap says, "See what she has to say." Kitty says, "I dedicate this song to you, Kitten. Hear me out, girlie." You say, "Wait a sec... Is this about ME?" 

(Note: I suck at writing even random songs. I'll leave it to the audience 'the comments' to make up some lyrics of their own. It'll be more grungy alternative type since it is the mid 90s. But something as a warning and message to (Y/N).)

The more you hear the words, the more your concern grows. Catnap says, "What's that about getting out?" You say, "The modeling studio?" You listen in. Kitty gets more intense with her singing. You say, "Oh man. I want to dance to this, but her words." 

After all of that's over, the words at the end read 'Get out while you still can.' (No. It's not Baldi's Basics. XD) You say, "My god. I wonder if something happened to her there." Catnap says, "Did someone mess with her? Like some perverted asshole?" 

You say, "I'm not sure the full detail, but I'm not worried about myself. I've got to get HER out, first. Something tells me those people she works for have done some pretty nasty things." He says, "Think we should call her?" You say, "Yeah. I'm gonna do that right now. Be right back." You walk to the phone and you pick it up. You dial Kitty's number.

You wait and then you get this, "Hello?" You say, "Hello. Kitty. It's (Y/N). Listen, love... I got your tape. I watched the video." "What did you think?" "It was bonza. But... your words. Is there something you're telling me?" "Yes. I want you out of that modeling business with those two. That was the message. I forgot to mention the title of the song being Run Kitten, Run." "My god. Listen, love. Come to Charlene's place where we live and we'll have a sit down. A talk about all of this. This is serious." "I'll be over in just a little bit." "Good. Catnap and I will especially be here." 

After talking to Kitty, you hang up and you walk back into the living room with Catnap. He says, "So?" You say, "She's coming over. We're having a talk." You sigh and you say, "Poor Kitty. She had to put up with all of that." 

Catnap says, "That's some modeling businesses for you, I guess. You'll always get one or more creepy people, taking advantage of a woman like that. Can't blame her for wanting to be a grunge singer." You grab his hand and you say, "So long as I get her out of there, too." You and Catnap talk until Kitty arrives.

(Yeah, I know. Some of this got kind of serious.)

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