Ch. 6: Stockholm Syndrome/Missing Persons

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You're in Catnap's home right now as you wait for his return to where he drove off to. You're in his room, still sitting on his bed as you have the radio on. It's playing Come as You Are by Nirvana. You sing to it and you lay back on his bed.

You sigh and you smile. You say, "At least I was kidnapped by my sweet Catnap." You sigh and you say, "I'm just so happy to have him back with me.  I've missed him so much." You lay there and you continue listening to the song.

You suddenly hear the front door opening, stating that Catnap's back. You grin and you get up. You turn the radio off and you walk out of his room. You see him and he's got a few bags of groceries. He says, "I'm back, Kitten." You sigh and you smile. You approach him and you say, "Here, baby. Let me help you." You take a bag. 

He grins and says, "Look at you, acting like a wife already." You sigh and you look away whispering, "If only." He chuckles and says, "I heard that.~" You blush and you look at him. You say, "Let me make dinner. It's the least I can do, darling." 

He says, "And you're offering to cook." You say, "I really don't mind." He says, "Alright. You can cook." You smile and you say, "Great." You look at him and you say, "I'll do anything for you, Catnap. Anything, at all." 


A moment later, you're in the kitchen. You're cooking because you offered to do so. Catnap comes walking into the kitchen and he sees you. Back turned and facing the stove as you cook dinner. He grins.

He sighs and he says, "Young, hot, Australian woman. Seeking attention. Desperate and awaiting.~" He chuckles. You blush and you smile as you hear him saying this, "I-It'll be ready soon, love.~" He sighs and he smiles, leaning against the wall as he looks at you. He says, "Oh, you're so beautiful, Kitten.~" 

You get done cooking and you look over at him. You say, "It's ready. Grab your plate." You and Catnap help yourselves to some dinner that you made. You both sit at the small table, across from each other.

He grins and says, "It really does seem like we're a married couple, Kitten. I've waited too long for your return." You look at him and you say, "Young, hot, Australian woman seeking attention and desperately awaiting, huh?" He chuckles. You smirk and you say, "Okay... We'll have it your way, love.~" He says, "Getting to something?" You say, "Just wait. You'll see.~" You both eat dinner.


The next day, the police are at your house. Why? It's because Dog Day and Vicky have come to realize that you haven't come home, yesterday and they called everyone you know. Your parents, another friend of yours from work, etc. 

The police are there. So are Dog Day, Vicky, your parents, brother, etc. Your dad has your mom held close and she's sobbing. She says, "My god. Who did this? Who kidnapped our daughter?" Your dad looks at the officer and says, "You boys gotta find her. Who knows how sick this bloke is? Or woman." 

The police officer says, "We're doing all we can to find (Y/N), Mr and Mrs. (L/N). Whoever this person is, we'll bring them into our custody once we find them." Your mom says, "Oh, my baby." She sobs. Your dad holds her close. 

Your brother Daniel says, "Dear god. I hope this person isn't some serial killer." The police officer says, "We'll do what we can to find her." Your dad says, "Thanks, mate. I just want our little girl back safe and sound." Vicky comforts your mom. Dog Day does, too and he says, "Don't you two worry. We're sure she's not in too much danger." Your dad looks at him and says, "Thanks for contacting us, Dog Day." Your mom sighs and she says, "Anything to have our daughter back." 

The police look all around your area to see if they can find you anywhere. No luck. Your family is a bit frantic at your disappearance. They knew somebody had to have kidnapped you and is possibly holding you captive. They all keep searching for you.


Meanwhile, back at Catnap's place. He's sitting on the couch in his living room. You're sitting there with him, leaning against him. He's got his arm around you and he says, "I'll never let you go, Kitten." You say, "Then keep me close, Catnap." What's on the TV is the show Liquid Television and it's on MTV.

Catnap looks at you and he says, "Hey, Kitten." You look at him and you say, "Yeah, Catnap?" He says, "You like Beavis and Butthead?" You smile and you say, "Yeah. My favorite show. It's funny as hell." He smirks and he says, "Mine too." You grin and you lean against him.

He says, "The police will eventually come to my house after they discover I'm the one who kidnapped you." You sit up and you look at him. You say, "But then you and I will be separated, again. I can't let that happen." He says, "I can't either, Kitten."

He grabs your hand and he says, "That's why whenever they do find out where we are... we're leaving Baltimore. Starting a life, together." You look at him. He looks at you and he says, "And we're not coming back. Ever." You sigh and you smile. You lean in and you kiss him. He kisses you back.

You pull away and you take his hand. You say, "So long as I'm with you, baby.~" He says, "My Kitten. My one and only. I'll kill again for you. All for you.~" You say, "I love you, Catnap." He says, "I love you too. So fucking much.~" You kiss one last time, then you pull away. You both continue watching TV.

You say, "I'm not backing down from what you referred to me as." He looks at you. You look at him and you say, "You'll get what you've described me as, lovey. I'll be just what you said... tonight.~" He says, "Hmm... I look forward to this.~" He realizes you have something planned for him and it's more... adult friendly.


Meanwhile at around 9pm, Vicky and Dog Day are at home after the search party. Vicky sighs and says, "My god. I-I can't get over it. My best friend since I left the popular group. (Y/N)'s been the most trusting friend I've ever had. Fuck that disloyal, man stealing Mommy Long Legs skank. Bitch." 

Dog Day says, "Hey. Don't worry about her. From what I've heard, Huggy Wuggy is just a user. He was a jock and the asshole of school. Only chose the girls he found were the hottest. Mommy may have been the queen bee, but they can't last for too long." Vicky grins and says, "Now THAT I'd like to see. And for Mommy Long Legs to become Mommy Chunky Legs and Huggy Wuggy to be Baldy Waldy." 

Dog Day says, "To be honest with you... I would, too. Huggy bullied me from 2nd grade to 10th grade. Eight years." Vicky says, "And I'm sorry he did that. I've always deep down inside liked you. You were always a lot nicer. I never liked the jerks." He smiles. 

She says, "I regret ever joining them. Now I've got you as my boyfriend and (Y/N) as my new best friend." She looks away and sighs. He says, "Hey. Don't worry, babe. We'll get her back. I'm sure of it." She says, "I just want our (Y/N) back alive and safe!" She hugs him and she sobs. He has the sad expression and he holds her close to comfort her. 

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