Chapter Seven

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You woke up, your vision blurred as you winced at the bright, white light looming above you. You could hear the beeping of the machines, the whirring too, but instead of cold water running, you heard distant chatter. You blinked lazily, trying to adjust to the light, and then you jerked your body when you felt straps around your wrists, tethering you to the chair.

"Calm down, calm down," Someone tried as the monitors started screaming, your heartrate had skyrocketed just now, and it looked to send some of them into a panic behind the one touching your arm – but surprisingly, it wasn't bare, and you were still in your cut shirt, "It's alright, stay with me."

You didn't smell pennies, but there was something around your head and the muffle on your mouth was gone.

The doctor who touched your arm gingerly, trying to coax you into a normal heart rate, had kind eyes behind his glasses, curly grey hair, and a kind smile. Your caretaker's eyes were never kind, but their smile was. In the beginning. Until you knew what made them happy.

But your mouth was dry and as if he sensed that, he brought you over a glass of water as you looked around frantically at all the other doctors in the room. At least, you assumed they were doctors because they all wore those long white coats. A man in a black duster and eye patch looked angry as he crossed his arms, looking unamused as he leaned against the wall near the doorway, his eye trained on you.

The doctors worked quietly around you and as you were taught, you stayed still and quiet, your eyes subtly watching the mystery man in the dark corner by the door. But then someone walked through said door and your eyes flicked to the man, completely surprised by the appearance.

He nodded to you once with pursed lips and then looked to the kind, older doctor, "She's malnourished and dehydrated – do you have the IVs going?"

"Yes, Captain Rogers," One of the other doctors he wasn't addressing answered and your suspicions of the dirty blonde in ass hugging jeans and a too tight navy colored tee shirt were confirmed, "We started those soon after she arrived, as per your request."

"Isn't that standard procedure?" He asked flatly and you knew you were missing something until the same doctor peered around the captain towards the mystery man and then nervously back to Uncle Sam's pride flag waving nephew.

"I say we let her starve." Mystery man spoke up just as the kind doctor stabbed your arm with a needle, wincing apologetically even though you hadn't even flinched.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Blondie snapped, turning to glare at the other man who just shrugged, unbothered, "It'd solve all your problems."

Mystery man nodded thoughtfully with another shrug, "Less paperwork too."

"Would you have said the same for Bucky?" His voice was growing louder, "Just put a bullet in his head and be done with it?"
"Hey," The angrier looking one pushed off the wall and pointed a finger in beefed up ken doll's face, "That was mind control, and he was a soldier captured by Hydra – this right here?" His finger was now aimed at you, and you looked away, towards the kind doctor who was giving you a small, apologetic smile, "We don't know what the hell this is!"

"Stark's looking into it."

"After everything with Thanos, do you think he's really-"

"He's really what?" A man with a sharp beard was suddenly in the doorway wearing an AC/DC shirt and dark jeans, biting into an apple as he raised his eyebrows, looking between them, "Go on, don't be shy, finish your thought."

They started speaking lowly and you were feeling drowsy, but it didn't matter because a second later, they were out of the room.

"Heart rate still above normal, but steady." A doctor chimed in, and you looked to the grey one.

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